Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fwd: National Agenda of Farmers 2021 - Contribute 50% of GDP

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From: Ravinder Singh <>
Date: Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 5:44 PM
Subject: National Agenda of Farmers 2021 - Contribute 50% of GDP


National Agenda of Farmers 2021 - Contribute 50% of GDP


-  :Executive Summary:  -


Farming activities support over 800 million people of India or 70% of Population, Indian farmers contribute 50% Engineers and Scientists, Civil Services, over 80% Agriculture Graduates, 80% of Defense & Police Officers and 95% other ranks but contribution of Agriculture in Indian GDP has slipped to just 14%. This translates to $200 per capita income for Agriculture against $2100 for non agriculture. On deducting role of Moneylenders and Traders real Per Capita Agricultural Income of farmers is just around $100.


Farmers own lands and are qualified to set up Agro and all other industries but some BIASED policies discourage them like unviable high interest rates on project finance.


GOI is misinformed that Indian farmers don't know Farming and Contract Farming shall yield good crops and provide supply chain to minimize transit losses deliver food fresh and economically when actually Corporates partner with foreign companies, import seeds and machinery that are not provided to Indian Farmers and Scheduled Commercial Banks can't serve farmers even as all farmers have fixed assets and shall never run away with bank money – thus Bank Credit to farmers is barely 7% to 8% of all public deposits that cover less than 13% of all farmers. Rest pays anything from 40% to 120% rate of interest. 


USA 0.7m farmers get $80b subsidy and farming contributes $100b to USA Exports. Indian farmers, in spite of extreme ODDS contribute $17b to Indian exports – just better storage and packaging it could be $30b and it ought to exceed $100b.


Intentionally or ignorantly policies are designed to Sabotage Indian Farming.




1.  Water: - Water is critical for agriculture but for 35 years schemes are designed to SABOTAGE water storage and Bogus Projects are proposed regularly by non farmers that make no scientific sense.  Ganga Cauvery Link was proposed to transfer Ganga Waters to Cauvery even as Cauvery and other South Indian Rivers have much more water storage and availability with higher rainfall spread over six months when Ganga River basin spread over 13 states has practically no storage. Ganga Cauvery Link and River Linking Bogus Plans hindered Dam Building. Latest is 15 million Johad (Ponds) Plan that would engulf over 30 million hectares of village lands. Check Dams cheap solution of non farmers increase Flood Intensity and being subsoil salinity to crop root zone reducing fertility.


India is entitled to use 1200 BCM of river waters but so far 400 BCM or 33% of river waters are diverted to farming and other purposes. Pakistan uses 80% of its river water entitlement that shall increase to over 90% with commissioning of new storage projects.


Ø            Build 500 BCM new Dam Live Storage Capacity for Irrigation, Flood Protection and Municipal Supplies, takeup Lining of Canals & Pipe water supply


2.  Power: - GOI provides for 12% free power and additional 15% at subsidized rates to states that provide land for hydro and thermal power projects – farmers provide the land and are displaced but Free or Subsidized power is largely provided to run Air-conditioners in homes and businesses and to run industries. Poor farmers are provided Rs.6000 worth of 11W Solar Lantern when an air-conditioner Guzzle 2000W of power – electricity consumed by a single A/C could light up 200 CFL lights in a Dark Village. In cities there is no restriction on sanctioned load for a consumer – a domestic consumer may take 100KW load that could energize a village. When a farmer is operating Diesel Generator buying diesel @ Rs.35 per liter, in cities consumers run A/Cs pay Rs.5 a unit for electricity.


Ø            30% of power generation be RESERVED for villages and 800 million farming population for Domestic, Business & Agro Industries. Domestic and commercial Load of city consumers should be restricted to 10KW.


3.  Co-operatives: -  Co-operatives are required in every village to collectively & economically produce, store, market agro produce and to run farmers owned Industries.


Ø            Every village to have at least one Co-operative for above purpose.

4.  Food Storage: -  It is a deep rooted conspiracy to Dispossess Farmers of their produce immediately on harvest – crops are dumped in open for weeks and thus lose Quality and get infected. Food-grains Crops pass through six stages before delivery to consumers – consumers own storage is seventh stage. (1. Farmers to Grain Market, 2. to FCI storages, 3. to Railway Sidings, 4. to Destination, 5. then to Ration Shops. 6. Many states have intermediate storage as well.) Thus there is loss of grain quality and quantity at every stage.


Ø            Farmers should store food-grains in Storage Bins or Drums immediately on harvest. Deliver food-grains to Railways and Railways shall deliver to trucks that shall deliver grains directly to either Fair Price Shops or preferably village Co-operative or Punchayat for distribution. Dismantle FCI.


5.  Agro Industries & Industries: - Farmers own all the land required for Industries, contribute 50% of Civil Servants, Engineers and Scientists, over 80% of Defense Officers, Agricultural Engineers, they is a deep rooted conspiracy to keep them out of Agro & All other industries.


Ø            100% of Agro Industries and 50% of other Industries must be reserved for Farmers & Village Dwellers.


6.  Seeds & Biotechnology:  -  There is a Deep Rooted conspiracy by OUTSIDERS to Misrepresent Indian Farmers and 'Mislead Them' into believing they don't need Good High Yielding Seeds of Multinationals and advise them against use of fertilizers. But don't complain against diversion of Fertilizer for Industries. Farmers fully appreciate contribution of Bt Seeds in doubling cotton production.


Ø            Farmer Leaders should represent Indian Farmers in India and at international platforms in Choice of Policies, Farming Seeds, Technology. 50% of Agriculture Scientists should work in Block level Extension Centers. All Seeds and Farm  Trial results be made public.  


7.  Credit: -  It is falsely propagated that Farmers are Not Bankable and 87% farmers are denied Bank Credit when actually farmers are more Bankable Then Corporate who divert the Cheap Bank Credit to other companies and purposes and mostly Manipulate Company Accounts. Corporate in last two decades had not added a single new job but get over 50% of bank credit.


Ø            50% of all the bank credit should go to Farmers, Farmers Owned Agro Industries and other Industries. Thus Bank Credit would directly improve earnings of 700 million – Corporate create practically no job opportunity.


8.  PURA Conspiracy:  -  This is the most destructive conspiracy to further divide Poor and Very Poor Farmers by providing new towns that will have all amenities like electricity and water, recreation, schools and colleges. It is most economical to provide all these Basic Amenities in each and every village. Actually money sanctioned for village Amenities are Swindled by bureaucracy.


Ø            No PURA should be allowed until basic amenities like Power, Water Supply, Schools, Dispensary, Co-operatives etc are provided in every village.


9.  Federation of Indian Farm Leaders & Industries:  -  Indian Farmers are highly qualified and skilled to run their own industries and develop own amenities and better implement projects in villages should organize and operate on professional lines like FICCI or CII, and proposed federation shall engage professionals of all related fields.


Ø            FIFLI would represent Indian Farmers at all Indian & Foreign Conventions.


10.  Farm Subsidies:  -  Farming is a Unviable Profession. Over $80b subsidy is provided to 0.7 million US farmers that ensures not just adequate food for internal consumption but also export $100b worth of quality foods. In India Industry Corporate already get over $120b subsidies & tax breaks for similar GDP contribution.


Ø            $100b Subsidy for 800 Million Farmers would double food production – generate over $100b exports.


Ravinder Singh

Farmer, Engineer & Consultant

November14, 2010


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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