Sunday, January 30, 2011

*People's Revolution* Downfall of Science and Humanity


*People's Revolution* Downfall of Science and Humanity

Flyby News 
Editor - Jonathan Mark
January 25, 2011 - Downfall of Science and Humanity 

"Terrorism is the best political weapon
for nothing drives people harder
than a fear of sudden death."

- Adolf Hitler
(1889-1945) German Nazi Dictator

Editor's Notes: 

I hope the subject heading did not deter some from reading this issue. Recognizing such a downfall could help us with our transformation. In my comments at 911blogger below the article on Seymour Hersh's forthcoming book, I wrote about the benefits of taking a broad perspective, especially for those heeding the warning in President Eisenhower's farewell address. The significance of the 9/11 coup was a catalyst for promoting the Neocon agenda, which could only have been enabled by their continuous coup d'etat, including anthrax attacks, and financial global criminalization-corruption, as highlighted in Christopher Story's work with World Reportsand his book called The New Underworld Order. This book is summarized in following paragraph:

"In 1992, the Illuminati orchestrated the raising of a targeted $27.5 trillion from 200+ international institutions, in the biggest 'secretive' 'private placement' financing operation in world history. The 'mainstream' media unfortunately failed to report this operation - so the general public is ignorant of it. The aim was to provide finance for the imposition of the New World Order, a.k.a., the New Underworld Order, for its use throughout the 21st century. The euphemism for this programme is the 'global security environment'. The consequent monumental 'Global Security Fund', which is managed in Brussels, and is directed on behalf of the global Illuminati's controllers by financial intelligence operatives, now disposes of secret financial resources of approximately $65 trillion for this purpose, probably far more. Equipped with such limitless resources, the directors of the New Underworld Order have now amassed sufficient finance to bribe every leader, ruler, policymaker, intelligence operative and political figure worldwide, for the rest of this century, in pursuit of their aims."

The key players are not just in Washington DC, but they are a united global elite wanting to maintain their status and control over everyone else. And it is important to note that this goes back Centuries, but with key events accelerating their plans as technology progressed. Such key events was when a clerk in the US Supreme Court gave Corporations the same rights as individuals, yet with laws protecting Corporations from accountability that an individual's actions would warrant. Then in 1913 the elite's use of a manufactured financial crisis to justify their creation of the Federal Reserve system which ignited global finance and the ability to finance wars, and win big no matter which side wins or loses. Just before WW2 most people don't know about the attempted coup d'etat in the US for a fascist dictatorship regime. Check out this article: "Suppressed History: When Wall Street Tried To Bring The Holocaust To America" 

Of course everything went into high gear with the development and use of the atomic bomb. In 1947 Truman signed the National Security Act which gave birth to the CIA and other elements that became the US Shadow Government, along with assassinations and control over all branches of the government, media, academic institutions, etc. In 1999 I made a thirteen year commitment to try to stop the arms race from expanding into outer space. The focus of this work shifted when Bush used the false flag attacks of September 11 to initiate all sorts of freedom-life-denying programs, including his termination of the ABM Treaty and began placing weapons in space in 2002. But the relevance of the Hersh book is that it covers the present circumstances in creating battles for people and religions, to create circumstances to further help justify their plans, which appear to include getting rid of a big chunk of our population.

Of all the issues critical to expose the Military Industrial complex's long list of hoaxes and betrayals, 9/11/01 is key, because of the documentation gathered by recorded film footage, and independent researchers and people who have respect for basic laws of science and not mind-controlled to observe reality beyond what they say on television. The vast dem-repub conspiracy is part of global elitists' pursuit to take over the world.. but they could not be successful without extremists in their group willing to push the buttons.. and with this role, they are pushing us all over the edge into an abyss of unsustainable human life in this Century. The real demented souls forgot that love is/was actually key for our all being here in the first place, and separating from this nature is simply self-destroying. So, we shouldn't give up hope in turning this around, of which, 9/11 exposure is crucial. 

Note, too, the article by Mike Adams on evidence in possibly solving the mystery of the mass bird kill incidents, and article by Gordon Duff on the hushed murder of John Wheeler, III. His "Washington resume is unmatched, West Point, Yale Law, CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), SEC (Security and Exchange Commission,) expert on everything from financial crime, to cyber warfare, chemical weapons, nobody knew what this man knew, nobody had his expertise, his access. No man in Washington had more secrets in his head than John Wheeler." How easy can the media and double agents can snuff out life. Yet how enduring life is, too, perhaps endlessly. I am not sure about a lot of things. Which is why I write and research as much as I do, to try to understand, and do something. This following is a poem I wrote at home following my watching What in the World Are They Spraying? on World Chemtrail Awareness Day with discussion in Northampton, MA on January 22nd. 

The delicate essence filters through
the divine horizon opens to a path,
in the now, unafraid to yearn for what is magic;
While shadows cover a dimmer horizon
with Corexit and oil mixed into ocean water
where currents transfer heat and life blood movement
in Mother Earth
raped in front of my eyes, helpless semester,
mysterious blend not taken in by the darker soul,
with imagination springing forth openly engaged
deep within oneself
as perpetual motion takes flight
where the dark encompasses all reason
to transfer its impression on the soul of each
man woman
our path goes together

For more poems and quotations:
Life Rhythms poetry blog with Jonathan Mark 

Recent Issues: 
January 14, 2011 - 'Deceptions' filmmaker Chris Pratt Interview + 
January 8, 2011 - Retraction * Reap Injustice * Sibel * 2011 
December 20, 2010 - Jesse Ventura Pentagon-BP-Police State 
December 3, 2010 - Melt + Corexit + BP = Gulf Stream Broken?


A Vermont neural plasticity expert produces
a film about awareness and critical thinking
Watch a discussion on this film with 
Jonathan Mark & filmmaker Chris Pratt
Link to Flyby News Productions at GCTV 
Video On Demand for best Online viewing

21 January 2011 - 911blogger - Stephen C. Webste
Seymour Hersh's new book to detail "how eight 
or nine neoconservative, radicals if you will, 
overthrew the American government."

21 January 2011 - Natural News - Mike Adams
USDA found to be poisoning bird populations, 
causing mass die-offs involving millions of birds

21 January 2011 - Natural News - Mike Adams
The downfall of science and 
the rise of intellectual tyranny

24 January 2011 - WantToKnow - Fred Burks
WikiLeaks Release of Rich Tax-Cheaters' Data, 
Vatican Secrecy on Child Abuse, Private CIA

18 January 2011 - Democracy Now - Amy Goodman
Former Banker Hands Offshore 
Account Data to WikiLeaks

20 January 2011 - NDTV - Zurich
Whistleblower Swiss banker 
Rudolf Elmer arrested in Zurich

19 January 2011 - Democracy Now - Amy Goodman
Gaza Doctor Izzeldin Abuelaish Two Years After 
Israeli Attack that Killed 3 Daughters & Niece: 
"As Long as I am Breathing, They are with Me. 
I Will Never Forget"

15 January 2011 - Veterans Today - Gordon Duff
The Wheeler Murder, 
Just Another Dead Veteran?

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone 
of any significance in the major media."
-William Colby
former CIA Director, 
quoted by Dave Mcgowan, Derailing Democracy
The CIA and the Media

20 January 2011 - Common Dreams - Peaceful Tomorrows
9/11 Family Members Express Profound Disappointment 
at Reports White House Will Increase Use of Military 
Commission to Try Guantanamo Detainees

22 December 2010 - Washington Post - Common Dreams
Indefinite Detention for Suspects at Guantanamo Bay

In first 3 minutes, watch
9/11 - WTC-7 - Exposed!
Video clip produced by Robert Bowman
National Commander, ThePatriots.US

abomination obama nation

Space for Peace & September 11
Connecting dots to democracy or to genocide

15 January 2011 - Veterans Today - Gordon Duff
The Wheeler Murder, 
Just Another Dead Veteran?

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone 
of any significance in the major media."
-William Colby
former CIA Director, 
quoted by Dave Mcgowan, Derailing Democracy
The CIA and the Media

20 January 2011 - Common Dreams - Peaceful Tomorrows
9/11 Family Members Express Profound Disappointment 
at Reports White House Will Increase Use of Military 
Commission to Try Guantanamo Detainees

22 December 2010 - Washington Post - Common Dreams
Indefinite Detention for Suspects at Guantanamo Bay

In first 3 minutes, watch
9/11 - WTC-7 - Exposed!
Video clip produced by Robert Bowman
National Commander, ThePatriots.US

abomination obama nation

Space for Peace & September 11
Connecting dots to democracy or to genocide

1,424 Architects and Engineers
Call for New 9/11 Investigation

"Building what?" - Judge Edward Lehner 
upon hearing mention of WTC Building 7
Watch The Ad One Million New Yorkers Will See:
BuildingWhat .org 

A Vermont neural plasticity expert produces
a film about awareness and critical thinking
Watch a discussion on this film with 
Jonathan Mark & filmmaker Chris Pratt
Link to Flyby News Productions at GCTV 
Video On Demand for best Online viewing

9/11 Investigation vs New World Order
Perspective - Resource - Archives

Help end the inhumane treatment of Bradley Manning

"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing 
the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that 
is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until 
it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and 
creates a country where everyone lives in fear."

- Harry S. Truman
(1884-1972), 33rd US President
Source: message to Congress, August 8, 1950

October 2010 - Reality Zone - DVD film
What in the World Are They Spraying?

Stop Spraying California!
Spraying Biological and Chemical 
Agents on U. S. Citizens is Illegal!

For FN's resource, see:
Military Weather - Psychotronics - Chem/Nukes in Space

17 December 2010 - YouTube - Dr. Len Horowitz
Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, 
Season 2 Episode 7 (BP OIL SPILL) - FULL LENGTH 

07 July 2010 - Len Horowitz and Sherri Kane
WAR on The World 
Thirty Facts Reveal Gulf Oil Disaster Was Planned

13 July 2010 - Youtube - Flyby News Productions
Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane
Interviewed by Jonathan Mark on July 1, 2010
Part 1 of interview is at above link.
For all 6 parts, and for Bob Bowman Interview, click here!
[Flyby News Productions, listed in alphabetical order]

17 July 2010 - Socio-Economics Blog - Gianluigi Zangari
Gulf of Mexico Loop Current Broken!
Risk of Global Climate Change by BP Oil Spill
05 October 2010 - EuropeBusiness Blog - Lord Stirling
Life On This Earth Just Changed

22 December 2010 - Agence France-Presse - Common Dreans
Biting Winters Driven by Global Warming: Scientists

28 December 2010 - Democracy Now - Dr. Paul Epstein
From Snowstorms to Heat Waves, How Global Warming 
Causes Extreme Weather and Climate Instability

13 January 2011 - Common Dreams - Jeff Biggers
EPA Vetoes Largest Mountaintop Removal 
Permit: New Era of Civility in the Coalfields?

FN's updated resource page on this topic:
Energy Pollution's Impact On Environment

For a list serve for discussions and related posts, 
including files and fliers for events and more, see

FaceBook Profile

Also, check out:
Valley 9/11 Truth>

The views expressed herein are writers' own and not necessarily of Flyby News.
Fair Use Policy that describes use of copyrighted material is at
Feedback for story suggestions and networking Flyby News is appreciated.
You can write to the editor by email: - flyby(at}mtdata{dot)com -

Flyby News is educational and nonviolent in focus,
and has supported critical campaigns for a healthy 
environment, human rights, justice, and nonviolence, 
since the launch of NASA's Cassini space probe in 1997.

News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era

= = = = = = = = = = 

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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