Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fwd: Fw: Re Obama and Kashmir Issue

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From: Brian Rayner <>
Date: Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 1:27 AM
Subject: Fw: Re Obama and Kashmir Issue

----- Original Message -----
From: Nasir Khan
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 5:14 PM
Subject: Re Obama and Kashmir Issue

 Will Obama help Kashmiri struggle against Indian rule?

Response to Shahid Siddiqi's analysis of India's occupation of Kashmir
By Nasir Khan,  Axis of Logic, Oct 30, 201

Response by Axis of Logic reader, Nasir Khan on Obama's November Vist to India: Help Kashmiris gain their right to self-determination.

Mr Siddiqi, I am sure you know what Obama stands for. Please let me add a bit on this score. The whole world knows him as a staunch defender of the policies of Israel who is flanked by and pushed around by Zionists. He has also earned himself the distinction of being a true successor to George W. Bush since stepping in the White House because he has not only followed the war policies of Bush but also extended the war of aggression in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He is responsible for the almost daily killings of the Pakistanis by drone missile attacks. Let us keep in view the fact that his hands are sullied with the blood of hundreds of innocent Pakistanis and there is no end in sight to such savagery. Obama does not stand for: kill first and explain later. He has a freehand in killing by his advanced technological devices and as far as he is concerned that is the end of the matter. Why? Because he represents the power of American imperialism, military-industrial complex and the corporate interests. That also means there is no inhibition or restraint on what he does. The determining factor in all this is the global military power and influence of the United States.

Will Obama do anything to stop India from its inhuman atrocities and oppression in Kashmir and seek a solution to the Kashmir Issue? I think, we should come out of such make-believe world of illusions. He wouldn't do anything of the sort. There are many reasons for that. At present American imperialism, India's Hindutva leadership and the Zionist rulers of Israel are close strategic and military partners. The last thing on their agenda can be solving the Kashmir Issue. They have other considerations for the region and the Middle East!

As far as the present Pakistani rulers are concerned, they are pawns in the hands of the Washington rulers. They dance to the tunes of or the crack of the whip of the Pentagon and the State Department obediently. They have allowed the United States military to use Pakistani airport Shamsi and other military facilities to launch drone attacks on Pakistanis. In return for American money and to appease the Washington rulers, Pakistani army in Waziristan has been acting  as a mercenary force killing and destroying its own people. So American drones and Pakistan army supplement each other. They are making the world safe for democracy and advancing 'American' values!

Source: Axis of Logic

The Following  photos are reproduced from Shahid R. Siddiki's artice 'Obama's November Vist to India: Help Kashmiris gain their right to self-determination.


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