Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Fw: Urgent: Tell President Obama to Reject Social Security Cuts

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrea Ball <>
Date: Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 11:27 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Fw: Urgent: Tell President Obama to Reject Social Security Cuts


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 3:12 PM
Subject: Urgent: Tell President Obama to Reject Social Security Cuts

Campaign for America's Future

Dear Andrea,

We must send an urgent message to President Obama – to tell him to reject the proposal to slash Social Security benefits coming from the co-chairs of his deficit commission.

Sign this critical petition to the President. And please do more: forward this email to at least five of your friends. The presidency of Barack Obama depends on it.

Tell the President: Do Not Cut Social Security. Then forward this email to five of your friends.

Progressives just suffered major losses in the election because voters didn't know where Democrats stood on jobs. And many didn't know if Democrats could be trusted to stand up for them.

Seniors especially fled in droves – the voters who oppose Social Security cuts the most.

If President Obama tries to cut Social Security, it would spell political disaster in 2012.

As the President's deficit commission will complete its work in a matter of days, he needs to hear from you and your friends right now.

He hasn't yet decided to embrace these dangerous proposals. It's up to us to make sure he doesn't.

Tell the President: Do Not Cut Social Security. Then forward this email to five of your friends.

This is not just about politics, of course. Cutting Social Security is horrible policy.

Social Security has its own financing and does not contribute one dime to the deficit.

Social Security has successfully provided secure retirements for 75 years. It is fiscally sound and will never go bankrupt. It only needs minor tweaks to ensure 100% of benefits will be paid after the year 2037. And no serious economist or budget expert believes cutting benefits is necessary.

Tell the President: Do Not Cut Social Security. Then forward this email to five of your friends.

We stopped President George Bush's privatization scheme in 2005. We can stop the assault on Social Security today.

We just need to do what we did then. Speak out. Right now.


Roger Hickey, Co-director
Campaign for America's Future


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