Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue Nov 16 - "Prepare For peak Oil While There Is Time"

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 12:20 AM
Subject: CC Issue Nov 16 - "Prepare For peak Oil While There Is Time"

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If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here

In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Haiti Cholera Protest Turns Violent
By Aljazeera

Protesters clash with UN peacekeepers in second-largest city of Cap Hatien over epidemic that has killed more than 900

The Age Of Cheap Oil Is Over
By Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed

We are now inhabiting a 'post-peak' world. That is the implication of the International Energy Agency's (IEA) new report, World Energy Outlook 2001, which in its 25-year 'New Policies Scenario' projects that it is most probable that conventional crude oil production "never regains its all-time peak of 70 million barrels per day reached in 2006." In this scenario, crude oil production is most likely to stay on a plateau of around 68-69 million barrels per day

Techno-Optimism Meets Its Match
By Guy R. McPherson

According to the extremely conservative International Energy Agency (IEA), we've passed the world peak for conventional oil (in 2006, they say). In a stunning nod to reality, even the New York Times agrees. In a bizarre case of committee-style cognitive dissonance, the IEA follows up on the admission that peak oil has come and gone with the conclusion that energy will never limit economic growth

Interview With Chris Martenson:
"Prepare For peak Oil While There Is Time"
By Alexander Ac

Dr. Chris Martenson says that the next 20 years will be very different from the last 20 years. Peak oil "will change everything" and there is never too soon for preparations. The key is resilience, self-dependency and versatility. He is an optimist and believes that many people will survive peak oil happily – if they prepare themselves. As all people researching peak oil and its impacts, he advises people to get out of debt

The Dominant Culture Is Killing The Planet...
It's Very Important For Us To Start To Build
A Culture Of Resistance"
By Derrick Jensen

A Democracy Now! interview with Derrick Jensen

G - 20, APEC And The Extreme Unction Of Credibility
By Fidel Castro

According to Roman Catholic practice, when someone is deathly ill, they make their confession and then receive extreme unction. This is what has happened with United States credibility in the almost simultaneous meetings of the G-20 and APEC. On the basis of this, we don't know what's coming next. Perhaps they shall give a Christian burial or cremation to the remains of the absurd illusion that it is possible to keep alive a social system that is incompatible with the life of humanity

What, Really, Is The Obama-Clinton
Game Plan For Israel/Palestine?
By Alan Hart

The question for the coming days is whether Obama has the will and courage to play his ace card if Netanyahu continues to humiliate him and demonstrate, with or without a 90-day moratorium, that he and virtually all of his leadership colleagues are not interested in peace on terms the vast majority of Palestinians and most other Arabs and Muslims everywhere could just about accept

Islamophobia Inc.
By Nicole Colson

Nicole Colson documents the big business of spreading anti-Muslim hate and lies

Boycott List For God-Conscious Consumers
By Huda Jawad

Due to their labor standards, environmentally destructive policies and human rights records, we must refrain as much as possible from supporting these brands and companies with our dollars

Illness Plagues Gulf Residents In BP's Aftermath
By Dahr Jamail

Increasing numbers of U.S. Gulf Coast residents attribute ongoing sicknesses to BP's oil disaster and use of toxic dispersants

BP Oil Spill Victims: Gulf Coast Claims Facility,
Litigation or Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund?
By Brian J. Donovan

Contrary to what BP and AFJ would like the American public to believe, GCCF and litigation are not the only avenues of compensation open to BP oil spill victims. A financially viable Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (the "Fund") is a third, and probably the best, avenue

Class Warfare Jeopardizing
American Workers' Security
By Stephen Lendman

Only mass outrage can stop them from slashing Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other social benefits on the way to ending them - a venal plot to make America another banana republic, its working millions oppressed serfs, their present and future security destroyed. Obama and congressional majorities support this in league with big money backers, largely Wall Street racketeers profiting hugely from sucking public and personal wealth to themselves. The die is cast. It's their future or ours. There's no in between. Grassroots activism only, or lack of it, will decide

Washington Backing Indonesian State Terror
By Stephen Lendman

Munir Thalib, a man Nairn called outspoken, tough, brilliant, a good friend, and fearless human rights activist was murdered. Others like him as well as ordinary people are targeted, Kopassus single-mindedly turning a blind eye to reform, but, nonetheless, got military aid restored showing Washington supports their abuses, the same ones it commits globally

In The Undeclared War Zone Of South Orissa
By Debaranjan Sarangi

The impoverished tribals of South Orissa is caught up in the violence and counter violence of the Maoists and the State

Invisible Cities: Part Two: Hunger
By Javed Iqbal

Malnutrition is not just a rural phenomena but is even unchecked amongst the poorest sections of the urban population. While access to development is often cited as a cure to the ills of hunger, there are many people living in Mumbai, deprived 'access' to development – healthcare and basic human rights

Plundered Histories, Forgotten Terrains
And Entangled People
By Goldy M. George

A critical search on Planning and Commission on Mining

There Is A Need To Involve The Muslim Polity Of The Country To Solve Kashmir Issue
By Prof. Tahir Mahmood

If the Kashmir issue is solved amicably, India and Pakistan can live in peace and harmony and the people in the whole subcontinent can heave a sigh of relief. Both the governments should revise their attitude and the religious and welfare organisations should fulfill their responsibilities on this issue. Kashmiri peope have already suffered a lot. Now they need some solace

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Palash Biswas
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