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Fwd: [Muslimnews] Latest issue of The Muslim News newspaper incl Tunisia elections

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From: The Muslim News mailing list <>
Date: Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 4:53 PM
Subject: [Muslimnews] Latest issue of The Muslim News newspaper incl Tunisia elections


The Muslim News Es1989

News and Views of Muslims in the United Kingdom




In the latest issue ……


Editorials on the human rights abuses against Muslims in the UK , British Muslim in detention without trial for over 7 years and Cameron once again attacks Islam/Muslims in his speech on influence of Bible in British institutions. Dr Pasha, the leader of the oldest British Muslim orgn in the UK passes away; increasing number of mosques being attacked by Israeli settlers in Palestine; Muslims killing Muslims in Afghnanistan; Indian Muslims patriotic; Tunisia, a model of democracy in the region; Muslim woman representing US in world fencing competitions; youngest & first Arab woman Nobel Peace Laureate; Bahrain report reveals use of excessive force during peaceful uprising; Fifa to review hijab law and holds first fasting conf for footballers…lot more…


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For much more see below



Top stories \        


Dr Pasha laid the foundation of the British Muslims in the UK

Ahmed J Versi

Dr Syed Aziz Pasha, founder and Secretary General of the oldest British Muslim federal body in the UK, the Union of Muslim Organisations (UMO), passed away on November 23 after a long illness. Dr Pasha, 81, was one of the most respected Muslims leaders in the UK.

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Home News \


Motion passed for UK's extradition laws to be renegotiated to protect Britons

Elham Asaad Buaras

A Parliamentary debate motion was unanimously passed on December 5 for the UK's extradition laws to be urgently renegotiated to strengthen the protection for British citizens.

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Qur'an teacher jailed for kicking and slapping children in lessons 

Elham Asaad Buaras

A Qur'an teacher who kicked and slapped children was jailed for 10 weeks on November 23.

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Tam Hussein wins Muslim Writer of Year Award 2011

Zahra Khimji

At this year's Muslim Writers Awards 2011, Tam Hussein walked away with two of the biggest awards of the evening, winning both the Muslim Writer of the Year Award 2011 and the Unpublished Short Story award for Little Flecks of Silver.

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Muslim professor a first for university

Elham Asaad Buaras

Celebrated theologian Professor Mona Siddiqui has become the first Muslim to teach at Edinburgh University's School of Divinity.

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islamophobia & right wing terrorism \        


Norwegian right-wing terrorist insane, say experts, may avoid jail

Elham Asaad Buaras

Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik may be committed to a psychiatric institution indefinitely rather than sent to jail after psychiatrists declared he is criminally insane on November 29.

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Fascists and anarchists terror under scrutiny as two Senegalese killed in Italy 

Elham Asaad Buaras

Police in Italy arrested five alleged members of a far right-wing group Militia on December 14 accused of among other things "spreading ideas of racial and ethnic hatred."

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Israeli settlers burn Burqin Mosque

Elham Asaad Buaras

Israeli settlers set fire to the main entrance of the Burqin Mosque and a number of Palestinian cars parked nearby, at a village near the West Bank city of Salfit on Dec 7.

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Muslim woman spat at and abused by gang

Elham Asaad Buaras

A Muslim woman was spat at and abused by a gang of youth in Telford, Shropshire, who pulled off her hijab in Islamophobic attack.

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Ex-solider and BNP member found guilty of burning mosque

Elham Asaad Buaras

Two men, one of whom an EDL and BNP, member have each been sentenced to 10 years in prison after being found guilty of deliberately setting fire to a Stoke-on-Trent mosque on December 8.

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Israeli settlers torch Ramallah mosque

Elham Asaad Buaras

A group armed Israeli settlers burnt a mosque in Borqa village, east Ramallah, on December 15; they also wrote racist graffiti on its walls. The incident is the fourth Israeli settler attack on a mosque in a fortnight.

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islamophobia usa \        


·          CAIR believes Champaign stabbing was hate crime

·          FBI illegally using outreach projects to gather intelligence on Muslims

·          Groups as FBI to probe threats posted on web

·          Lowe's pull ads from TV show about US Muslims

·          Massachusetts students charged with ethnic intimidation

·          Religious discrimination in workplace on the up

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Brief Europe \        


·          25 percent of Brussels population is Muslim 

·          Hijab wearing banned from class in Turkey

·          Swiss anti-Islam group fights Fribourg ban

·          Woman risks jail for wearing niqab in France

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Brief UK \        


·          University bans "unauthorised" protests

·          Man arrested in Birmingham Central Mosque bomb threat probe

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Brief World \        


·          Hizbullah unravels CIA spy network in Lebanon

·          Indian Supreme Court shocked by number of Pakistanis in Indian jails

·          Iranian inventors top international invention fair in South Korea

·          Niqab assault case ends in suspended sentence

·          Singapore probes soldier's anti-Islam online comments

·          US night raids overtake insurgents IEDS'S as main cause of civilian deaths

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comment \       


Tunisia, a model for democracy in the region

Yusra Ghannouchi

A pluralistic assembly full of genuine debate and heated exchanges; Tunisians of all ages keenly following the Assembly sittings on live TV and commenting in the real and virtual spheres; genuine politicians drawing millions of Tunisians at home and abroad to follow their speeches (even on headphones discretely at work); passionate agreement and disagreement.

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Unforgettable visit to Palestine

Rt Hon Sadiq Khan MP

Last month I joined a delegation of MPs and Peers to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories of the West Bank. The trip was organised by Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East and the Council for Arab-British Understanding.

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letters \


Excessive coverage of Islamophobia

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Prevent Extremism

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Gove speak of balance

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Cricket match on Ashura day

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TO send a letter for PUBlication





Editorial /       


British Muslims  detained in Britain without charge for over seven years

People held in jail for years without charge or trial are normally associated tinpot dictatorships, banana republics or regimes like Israel. But this is not the case for 37-year-old IT specialist Babar Ahmad, who has been in jail for more than seven year. He is Britain's longest detained-without-charge British prisoner held as part of the global 'war on terror'.


Cameron says Christianity influences UK politics

Prime Minister, David Cameron, speaking at the 400th anniversary for the King James Bible on December 16, said that Britain is a Christian country and that "we should not be afraid to say so," unlike Alastair Campbell who told Tony Blair that "we don't do God."


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wORLD nEWS \    


Youngest and first Arab woman Nobel Peace Laureate

Hassan Joudi

The youngest and first Arab woman ever Nobel Peace Laureate was presented with her Laureate medal on December 10 in Oslo City Hall for her role in the uprisings in Yemen.

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UK ordered to release prisoner transferred to US custody

Hamed Chapman

The British Government has been ordered to secure the release of a Pakistan detainee held since 2004 without charge or trial in the notorious US military prison at Bagram Airbase, Afghanistan.

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Bahrain report reveals use of "excessive force" by authorities during uprising

Zahra Khimji and Ahmed J Versi

An independent report on the Bahrain Government's brutal crackdown on protesters in February and March was released last month, detailing the "excessive force" and violation of human rights by security forces that have left at least 40 dead.

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Bush and Blair found guilty of war crimes for Iraq attack

Elham Asaad Buaras

A war crimes tribunal has found former US President, George Bush, and UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair, guilty of "crimes against peace" and other war crimes for their 2003 aggressive attack on Iraq, as well as fabricating pretexts used to justify the attack.

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Over 80 killed in rare sectarian attacks on Afghan worshippers

Elham Asaad Buaras

A suicide bomber struck a Sunni mosque on December 9 in north eastern Afghanistan, killing four people, just three days after a deadly attack massacred 80 Shi'as in a rare sectarian attack in the capital.

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Indian Muslims are just as patriotic as other groups, survey reveals

Zahra Khimji

Muslims in India are satisfied with their country's system of democracy despite their financial and educational difficulties, a survey has revealed.

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Arab League condemns Gingrich's Palestinian stance

Elham Asaad Buaras

A senior Arab League official condemned on December 11 a statement by

Republican presidential frontrunner and former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich claiming Palestinians are an "invented" people, calling it racist and a cheap stunt to get votes.

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EU denies asking Turkey to remove Qur'anic verse from Friday sermons

The European Union has denied claims by Turkish's Republican People's Party (CHP), Ihsan Ozkes, that Turkey's religious authorities removed a Qur'anic verse at the request of the EU from Friday sermons that says Islam is the only religion in the sight of God.

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    Call for destruction of all chemical weapons

     Tasnim Nazeer

      The annual conference of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical                                  Weapons (OPCW) called for the destruction of all chemical weapons by 2012.

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Regular colunmns \       


Health & Science Thousands of diabetes-related deaths could be prevented


Age of criminal responsibility maybe 'too low'

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Environment UN climate conference legally bounds countries to reduce carbon emissions

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Book Review Kashmir, the forgotten conflict

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legaL corner Employee discriminated against because of marriage to particular person

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Poets corner I was born free

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In conversation with …..Ibtihaj Muhammad

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Matrimonials  a Read more


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sport \       


Football's governing body to review hijab law

Elham Asaad Buaras

Football's world governing body is to consider changing its divisive kit laws to accommodate hijab wearing players and avoid a repeat of the debacle that forced the Iranian team to forfeit an Olympic qualifier earlier this year.

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FIFA hold's first fasting conference for footballers and scientists

Elham Asaad Bauaras

FIFA's Medical Assessment and Research Centre (MARC) hosted its first Ramadan and Football conference on November 25 and 26 in Qatar.

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Vinne Jones coaches LIS students

Elham Asaad Buaras

Boy's from an East End Muslim school were treated to a coaching session with the aid of footballer turned actor, Vincent "Vinnie" Jones, on November 21, held at the abandoned Shoreditch tube station to launch 'Tackling it Together',  which aims to tackle anti-social behaviour in young people through football.

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Newark B secure quarter finals spot

Elham Asaad Buaras

Inner London Football League second division team Newark B (NB) fought back to beat in form first division league leaders St Katharine 4-5 on penalties securing their quarter finals spot in the League Cup on Sunday December 4.

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Sport brief

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