Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The World Wide Truth Revolution Is Now http://atruthsoldier.wordpress.com/2012/06/03/the-world-wide-truth-revolution-is-now/

The World Wide Truth Revolution Is Now


A message from a truth soldier.

Yes it is now a world wide truth revolution.

It is time to change the international psyche of the peoples of this planet.

The truth revolution is the only thing that will save our planet from the grips of the insane corporatists.

I have been trying for years to get everyone to realize that this world is in serious trouble.

It is in serious trouble because the peoples of planet earth have been socially engineered by the insane corporate criminals.

You, your parents and your parents parents have all been lied to about everything.

I have always said that there is the truth and the there is the official story and never shall the two meet.

Thanks to the truthers on the internet, the world is awakening.

That awakening is a truth revolution.

This revolution can never be killed nor destroyed. For truht can never be killed.

It is now to late for the corporate criminals to stop this world wide truth revolution.

Even if the New World Order Criminal bansksters shut down the internet. It is still to late for.

Once the seeds of truth are sown in the peoples minds those seeds will only grow.

Now the peoples of the world need to realize that they have a very important responsibility to learn the horrible

truths of what the insane corporate criminals are doing and to tell everyone else they meet.

You do not need to know everyhting about any perticular issues.

You just need to mention any topic to another human.

Be the topic about chemtrails, Genetic tampering insanity, the Fukujima deliberate disaster,

the fact that man never landed on the moon, about the fluoride soft kill weapon also known as rat poison,

or the United nations world depopulation agenda 21 also CODEX Alimentarious eugenics program. or any other issues.

The list of the insane NWO activities is endless.

For the NWO bankster are completely out of their minds and are completely out of control.

Please note that the NWO  is really under the control of the insane Zionist cult.

It is time for you to empower humanity with the power of truth.

Stop thinking when you hear someone telling you some thing that sounds insane, that it is the person telling you that is insane.

The truther is not insane.

The truther is only trying to wake humanity up by exposing to the light of truth what the insane are doing to this planet.

Start planting the seeds of truth into the minds of the peoples of this planet.

Only a world wide awakening truth revolution will have any chance of saving this planet. We are all in this together.

We have to bring down the pyramid of insanity NOW!



The common language of pots and pans


Submitted by Judy Rebick on Sat, 06/02/2012 – 11:23am

I am sitting in a cafe in Calgary crying while I watch another joyous and beautiful video of the pots and pans marches in Quebec – "The Sound Your Life Makes." I don't know if it is the inspiring music of ordinary people coming into the streets to defy an unjust law; the awesome courage and determination of the Quebec students; or the shifting sands of the global youth uprising, but for the first time in my lifetime there is a solidarity movement growing in Canada for the people of Quebec.

Wednesday night in more than 60 cities and towns across Canada, people went out into the streets with pots and pans to demonstrate their solidarity with the students of Quebec and their battle against austerity. In Montreal now, all you need to do is walk out your door and start banging on your pot.  In the rest of Canada, it's probably a good idea for now to check out where people are meeting in your town on the Casseroles Canada Facebook page.  The next one will be on June 6.

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I've been working to bridge the divide between Canada and Quebec pretty well my whole adult life. It started with the War Measures Act when a few of us, including the brave NDP under the leadership of Tommy Douglas, stood up against the War Measures Act. That was a turning point in my politics when I realized that the Canadian government was just as capable of repression and violence as the U.S. government. To see Montreal occupied by the Canadian army and people rounded up and jailed for their politics was a deeply radicalizing experience for me.

Then during the first Quebec referendum in 1980, I worked with a group of about 30 people in Toronto on the Committee to Defend the Right of Quebec to Self-determination. Most of us didn't want to see Quebec leave Confederation but we deeply believed that it was their right to make that decision and that the English media and the federal government were distorting the issues and creating hysteria, which we sought to counter. We were isolated but we stood up for what we thought was right.

Just before I became President of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) in 1990, the FFQ (Quebec  Federation of Women) left NAC mostly because most women's groups in English Canada opposed the Meech Lake Accord and its distinct society clause. A few of us fought that position unsuccessfully at first, but when I became president we were successful in developing a different vision of Canada as a nation of nations containing Quebec, First Nations and the rest of Canada, each of which should have the right to self-determination. When we had a chance to talk to Canadians about this kind of solution during the Charlottetown Accord, there was a lot of support.

But once again the English media, and in this case all the powers in the rest of Canada, put the nix on our attempts. Then came the second referendum, and whatever progress we had made in building bridges with people in Quebec was once again torn apart by the federalist hysteria.

I used to go to the CAW camp in Port Elgin every year to explain the history of Quebec and the oppression they faced for speaking French; for example, in 1970 anglophone workers in Quebec made 30 per cent more money than francophone workers. You couldn't get a good white collar job without speaking English. Even Canadian union meetings in Quebec in those days were held in English.

Almost everyone I knew in Quebec — unionists, feminists, radicals, social democrats — was a sovereigntist. They taught me about the history of Quebec, the oppression of the Quebecois by the Anglos and the Church, the heroic stuggle of union activists against Duplessis, the strongly held values of social justice and equality. They felt that the only way to build the society they wanted was to have their own country.

We don't really learn that history outside of Quebec.  The only news we hear from Quebec is about their conflicts with the federal government or their scandals.

The coverage of the student strike has been a new low for the English media outside of Quebec. It is one-sided and biased, reporting only from the perspective of the government and focussing on the isolated incidents of vandalism.

Only days after the scathing G20 report, still the media didn't question Bill 78, just as serious a violation of civil rights, or even report on the thousands of arrests during the strike. Yesterday, there was an astonishing demonstration of 400 lawyers and 200 law students against Bill 78, and only the National Post reported it.

And in Quebec, they don't really hear much about us.  I'll never forget during the ice storm when I visited Quebec and people were upset because no one from English Canada had helped.  In fact, there was a huge amount of money raised, but the Quebec media didn't report it.

Just a couple of months ago at a dinner party in Montreal a long-time friend and political activist told me that she had finally come to the conclusion that, with a few exceptions, the people of Quebec and English Canada had nothing in common. Her reason was the lack of interest in the student strike. The others at the table, all francophone Quebecers, disagreed with her but she was convinced. I hope tomorrow changes her mind.

There are two solitudes but it is mostly because the governments and the media don't want the people of Canada and Quebec to really know what we have in common. Language is a barrier too and not enough of us are bilingual, especially in the rest of Canada.  But now we have the language of video and pots and pans.

Tomorrow is a historic moment in Canada. People all across Canada will join hands across that divide and unite in the battle of all of our lives for democracy and against austerity.  I am glad I'll be in Alberta for it.  If it can happen here, it can happen anywhere.

Make history, grab a pot or a pan and join your neighbours as part of Casseroles Night in Canada.

Show your solidarity with the courageous, determined students of Quebec. Stand up against austerity and for the right to assemble and protest. Build bridges based on love and solidarity that no-one will be able to tear down.

Cultivate Canada's media

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