Friday, March 29, 2013

আমাদের প্রিয় বন্ধু সুকৃতি রন্জন বিশ্বাস ফেসবুকে জবাব তলব করেছেন যে বামসেফ ইউনিফিকেশন সম্মেলন হরিচাঁদ ঠাকুরকে সমর্পিত করা কেন হল।মনে করিয়ে দি মহারাষ্ট্র সরকার হরিচাঁদ ঠাকুরের জন্মদিনে ছুটি ঘোষণা করেছিল কিন্তু বাঙ্গালিরাই রীতিমত আন্দোলন কে সেই ছুটি বাতিল করতে মহারাষ্ট্র সরকাকে বাধ্য করেছে।আজ মতুয়া আন্দোলনে সারা দেশের বহুজনসমাজের মুক্তিপথ খুঁজতে যখন ব্যস্ত ভারতবর্ষ.তখন বাংলাতেই এ নিয়ে প্রশ্ন উঠছে। হরিচাঁদ গুরুচাঁদকে নিয়ে ব্রাহ্মণ্যতন্ত্র সমর্থক রাজনীতিতে কারোও আপত্তি নেই, বহুজন মানুষ তাঁকে স্মরণ করলেই দোষ। পলাশ বিশ্বাস

আমাদের প্রিয় বন্ধু সুকৃতি রন্জন বিশ্বাস ফেসবুকে জবাব তলব করেছেন যে বামসেফ ইউনিফিকেশন সম্মেলন হরিচাঁদ ঠাকুরকে সমর্পিত করা কেন হল।মনে করিয়ে দি মহারাষ্ট্র সরকার হরিচাঁদ ঠাকুরের জন্মদিনে ছুটি ঘোষণা করেছিল কিন্তু বাঙ্গালিরাই রীতিমত আন্দোলন কে সেই ছুটি বাতিল করতে মহারাষ্ট্র সরকাকে বাধ্য করেছে।আজ মতুয়া আন্দোলনে সারা দেশের বহুজনসমাজের মুক্তিপথ খুঁজতে যখন ব্যস্ত ভারতবর্ষ.তখন বাংলাতেই এ নিয়ে প্রশ্ন উঠছে। হরিচাঁদ গুরুচাঁদকে নিয়ে ব্রাহ্মণ্যতন্ত্র সমর্থক রাজনীতিতে কারোও আপত্তি নেই, বহুজন মানুষ তাঁকে স্মরণ করলেই দোষ

পলাশ বিশ্বাস

জায়নবাদী বিশ্বব্যবস্থায় হিন্দু সাম্রাজ্যবাদ ও করপোরেট সম্রাজ্যবাদ মুদ্রার এ পিঠ ও পিঠ
 ভিসা প্রত্যাখ্যান থেকে হোয়ার্টনের মূল বক্তা। মার্কিন মুলুকে প্রবেশ নিয়ে বারবার বাধার মুখে পড়েছেন নরেন্দ্র মোদী। এবারে মার্কিন জনপ্রতিনিধিদের কাছ থেকেই সে দেশে যাওয়ার আমন্ত্রণ পেলেন গুজরাতের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী।বামপন্থী বিপ্লবীরা জয়পুর সাহিত্য উত্সবে বাংলায় বহুজনসমাজের অনুন্নয়নকে মহিমামন্ডিত করে দুর্নীতির জন্য এসসি, এসটি ও ওবিসিদের দায়ী করার পর এই লসেদিন চন্ডীগড়ে জাতি বিমর্শ নামক সেমিনার করে আনুষ্ঠানিক ভাবে দলিতদের বহুজনসমাজে আদিবাসী, পিছড়ে বর্গ ও সংখ্যালঘুদের থেকে আলাদা চিন্হিত করে আম্বেডকর ও গৌতম বুদ্ধকে খারিজ করে দিয়েছেন।তাঁদের বৈপ্লবিক কর্মসুচি সংবিধান বদলের, যা হিন্দু সাম্রাজ্যবাদেরই এজেন্ডা।তাঁরা আম্বেডকরকে পূঁজিবাদ ও সাম্রাজ্যবাদ সমর্থক এবং সেই সঙ্গে মুক্ত বাজার অর্থনীতির জন্য,  সশস্ত্র বল বিশেষাধিকার আইন সহ যাবতীয় জনবিরোধী আইন করার জন্য একধাপ এগিয়ে সংবিধান সভায় তাঁর নির্বাচন মুসলিমলিগের সমর্থনে, ঘোষণা করে বহুজনসমাজের বিরুদ্ধে হিন্দুত্বের এজন্টা রুপায়ন করেছেন।বাংলার মহাপ্রাণ যোগেন্দ্রনাথ মন্ডল , মুকুন্দবিহারী মল্লিক ও অন্যান্য তফসিলী নেতাদের অবদান অস্বীকার করে।তাঁদের আধারপত্রে ইতিহাসের পর্যালোচনায় আদিবাসী বিদ্রোহের উল্লেখ নেই।বৌদ্ধময় ভারতের কথা নেই, পুনা প্যাক্টের উল্লেখ নেই।বাংলায় সন্যাসী বিদ্রোহ, নীল বিদ্রোহ, সাঁওতাল বিদ্রোহ ও মুন্ডা বিদ্রোহের প্রেক্ষিতে কৃষক আন্দোলনের পটভূমিতে ব্রাহ্মণ্যবাদকে খারিজ করে মতুয়া আন্দোলন ও পরবর্তীকালে চন্ডাল আন্দোলনের কথা নেই।তাঁরা ভূমিসংস্কার নিয়ে অনেক কথা বলেছেন, কিন্তু এঈ ভূমি সংস্কার যে মুল রুপে মতুয়া আন্দোলনেরই অবদান, সে কথা তাংদের স্বীকার করার কথা  নয়।পশ্চিম বঙ্গে আমরা বহুজনসমাজের মানুষেরা সমস্ত কৃতিত্ব বামপন্থীদের দিয়ে বসে আছি।বামসেফ ইউনিফিকেশন সম্মলন আমরা ভারতবর্ষে বহুজন আন্দোলনের জনক হরিচাঁদ ছাকুরকেই সমর্পিত করেছি।এই প্রসঙ্গে ভিডিো রিপোর্ট ছাড়া আমার একটি ইংরাজি লেখাো প্রকাশিত হয়েছে। বিপ্লবী বামপন্থীরা সংরক্ষণকে খারিজ করছেন, ক্ষমতার রাজনীতিতে বহুজনদের হিস্সা অস্বীকার করছেন।আমরা দেশ ব্যাপী বিতর্কে মতুয়া আন্দোলন ও হরিচাঁদ ঠাকুরের প্রাসঙ্গিকতা নিয়ে আলোচনা করছি।আগামী তেরো এপ্রিলে মহা ধুমধামে বাংলায় আম্বেডকর জয়ন্তী পালিত হতে চলেছে।কিন্তু বাংলার আম্বেডকর পন্থীরা একটি কথাও বলছেন না। উপরন্তু আমাদের প্রিয় বন্ধু সুকৃতি রন্জন বিশ্বাস জবাব তলব করেছেন যে বামসেফ ইউনিফিকেশন সম্মেলন হরিচাঁদ ঠাকুরকে সমর্পিত করা কেন হল।মনে করিয়ে দি মহারাষ্ট্র সরকার হরিচাঁদ ঠাকুরের জন্মদিনে ছুটি ঘোষণা করেছিল কিন্তু বাঙ্গালিরাই রীতিমত আন্দোলন কে সেই ছুটি বাতিল করতে মহারাষ্ট্র সরকাকে বাধ্য করেছে।আজ মতুয়া আন্দোলনে সারা দেশের বহুজনসমাজের মুক্তিপথ খুঁজতে যখন ব্যস্ত ভারতবর্ষ.তখন বাংলাতেই এ নিয়ে প্রশ্ন উঠছে। হরিচাঁদ গুরুচাঁদকে নিয়ে ব্রাহ্মণ্যতন্ত্র সমর্থক রাজনীতিতে কারোও আপত্তি নেই, বহুজন মানুষ তাঁকে স্মরণ করলেই দোষ


Published on Mar 11, 2013


विचारधारा और सिद्धान्त जाति हित में बदल जाते हैं !

साथी अभिनव सिन्हा के आलेख के प्रत्युत्तर में हमें पलाश विश्वास जी का यह आलेख प्राप्त हुआ है। हमें चण्‍डीगढ़ में 'जाति प्रश्‍न और मार्क्‍सवाद' विषय पर सम्पन्न पाँच दिवसीय संगोष्‍ठी का आधार पेपर भी प्राप्त हो चुका है। चूँकि वह काफी लम्बा है और वेब माध्यम की शब्दों की एक सीमा है इसलिये उसे एक साथ पोस्ट करना सम्भव नहीं है और किस्तों में पोस्ट करने पर बिना सन्दर्भ जाने ही हमारे बड़े-बड़े विद्वान भी आरोप और निन्दा प्रस्ताव और उनकी सेनायें हमें गालियाँ देने के अपने अन्तिम और एकमात्र पुनीत कर्तव्य पर उतर आयेंगे (हालाँकि उनकी गालियों का हम पर असर होता नहीं है क्योंकि ऐसा करने वाले वे पहले और आखरी नहीं हैं। ऐसे लोगों की गालियों का भी हमारी तरक्की में अहम योगदान है)। इसलिये हम उस आधार पत्र को किस्तों में बाद में पोस्ट करेंगे लेकिन अभी आप इस आधार पत्र को आयोजकों की वेब साइट अरविन्द ट्रस्ट.ओआरजी पर देख सकते हैं। इस बीच पलाश विश्वास जी का एक मेल और और मिला है जो फेसबुक पर उनका गोष्ठी में मौजूद आनंद सिंह के साथ संवाद है। पलाश जी के आलेख से पहले उस संवाद को देख लें उसके बाद नीचे पलाश जी का लेख है

Anand wrote: "aarti Punia जी क्‍या आप यह बताने का कष्‍ट करेंगे कि वे कौन से प्रखर मार्क्‍सवादी हैं जो बिना जनता के भी क्रांति करने में सक्षम ? मैं चंडीगढ़ संगोष्‍ठी में मौजूद था। वहां तो किसी वक्‍ता ने ऐसी कोई बात नहीं की। उल्‍टे, अपने तमाम मतभेदों के बावजूद सभी वक्‍ता इस बात पर तो सहमत थे कि मेहनतकश दलित आबादी के बिना भारत में क्रांति सम्‍भव नहीं। शायद आपने कोई अफ़वाह सुन ली है। इतने गम्‍भीर मसले पर अफवाहों पर ध्‍यान मत दीजिये। मैं संगोष्‍ठी के मुख्‍य पेपर का लिंक भेज रहा हूं, उसके पढि़ये और फिर बेशक आलोचना रखिये। यह तो आप भी मानेंगे कि अफवाहों पर ध्‍यान देने से न तो क्रांति का भला होगा और न ही दलितों का।"

बहस में सन्दर्भ के लिये इन्हें भी पढ़ें –

बहस अम्‍बेडकर और मार्क्‍स के बीच नहीं, वादियों के बीच है

दुनिया भर में अंबेडकर की प्रासंगिकता को लोग खारिज करके मुक्ति संग्राम की बात नहीं करते।

बीच बहस में आरोप-प्रत्यारोप

'हस्‍तक्षेप' पर षड्यन्‍त्र का आरोप लगाना वैसा है कि 'उल्‍टा चोर कोतवाल को डांटे'

यह तेलतुंबड़े के खिलाफ हस्तक्षेप और तथाकथित मार्क्सवादियों का षडयंत्र है !

भारतीय बहुजन आन्दोलन के निर्विवाद नेता अंबेडकर ही हैं

भावनात्‍मक कार्ड खेलकर आप तर्क और विज्ञान को तिलां‍जलि नहीं दे सकते

कुत्‍सा प्रचार और प्रति-कुत्‍सा प्रचार की बजाय एक अच्‍छी बहस को मूल मुद्दों पर ही केंद्रित रखा जाय

Reply of Abhinav Sinha on Dr. Teltumbde

तथाकथित मार्क्सवादियों का रूढ़िवादी और ब्राह्मणवादी रवैया

हाँडॉ. अम्‍बेडकर के पास दलित मुक्ति की कोई परियोजना नहीं थी

अम्‍बेडकरवादी उपचार से दलितों को न तो कुछ मिला है, और न ही मिले

अगर लोकतन्त्र और धर्मनिरपेक्षता में आस्था हैं तो अंबेडकर हर मायने में प्रासंगिक हैं

हिन्दू राष्ट्र का संकट माथे पर है और वामपंथी अंबेडकर की एक बार फिर हत्या करना चाहते हैं!

Palash Biswas, one of the editors for Indian Express, a major daily from India, spoke to us from Kolkota and, told he supports the idea of forming SAARC type of 'Peoples' Level International Forum' of the Indigenous Peoples, Dalits and Other Backward communities to advance their rights to social justice and economic development in the entire South Asia. 

He also lashed out those 1% people in the government in New Delhi for failure of delivery and creating hosts of problems everywhere in South Asia.

The Himalayan Voice
Cambridge, Massachusetts
United States of America

Reply of Abhinav Sinha on Dr. Teltumbde

"I am surprised to see the "clarification" of Mr. Anand Teltumbde! He has not even mentioned that he had withdrawn most of his allegations against us (for example, our being "casteist", etc), after our critique of his statement in the Seminar. In fact, Mr. Teltumbde, in his second statement, said that he agreed on most of the issues raised in the critique put forward by me and that he never said that he agrees with the views of Ambedkar and John Dewey! We are going to post the video of the entire debate between me and Mr. Anand Teltumbde, so that everybody could see how he revoked his charges and statements. 

Secondly, about his statement regarding the 'grand failure of Ambedkar's experiments'. This was an unfortunate case of Hindi journalismThis statement made by Mr. Teltumbde in the course of his speech was highlighted out of context and then it went viral on the internet. However, he definitely said this, though in a different context. I would urge Mr. Teltumbde to comment on the video of the entire debate. We'll post it by tonight. 

And I will also ask various "yellow" journalists, who are talking about "Communist giroh", etc and other crap, to listen carefully to what Mr. Teltumbde said in the seminar and what answers did he get, and stop wagging their tails in front of Deweyan Pragamatism of Ambedkar. There is no meeting point,philosophically speaking, between Ambedkarism and Marxism, as intellectuals like Mr. Teltumbde and surrenderist "left"-wing opportunists are trying to demonstrate.

- Abhinav Sinha, (Editor, 'Muktikami Chhatron-Yuvaon ka Aahwan')"

I protest the distorted reporting of my statements in the conference, which was scathingly critical of the orthodox and brahmanic attitude of the so called Marxists there who trashed the entire anti-caste movement and were unashamedly disrespectful of Babasaheb Ambedkar. I had accused them of being casteist and likened them to the hindutva-brahmanist, the worst possible attribution to their tribe, doing further harm to Indian revolution and had stated among other things that the contribution of Ambedkar to democratization of the country was greater than all the communists together. Please do not spread canard in my name.
-Dr. Anand Teltumbde

Dr. Anand Teltumbde mounted scathing attack on the so called Marxists in Chandigarh Conference

Debate-Anand Teltumbde and Abhinav Sinha

Published on Mar 21, 2013

Anand Teltumbde and Abhinav sinha of mazdoor Bigul. Both speakers debated in Fourth Arvind Memorial Seminar- Caste Question and Marxism.

We the members of the Republican Panthers from Maharashtra who were present in the Chandigarh conference are deeply pained to see the attribution of Anti-Ambedkar canard to Dr Anand Teltumbde in the Hastkshep blog and Bigul, the organ of the organizers' outfit. We feel that ignoring his spirited attack on the orthodox Marxists of their ilk and projecting him as anti-Ambedkar with stray sentences sans context is a deceitful action to malign his image not only among dalits but the radical communists.    

They have conveniently ignored the scathing attack Dr Teltumbde mounted on the orthodox position the conference organizers had taken in their approach paper. The approach paper, leaving apart the usual stuff, was completely disdainful of the entire struggle of the lower castes, particularly dalits, and more so of Babasaheb Ambedkar. Dr Teltumbde, who had declined their invitation initially because of his busy schedule, had accepted to come for a short time from Jalandhar, where he was invited as a chief guest in the foundation day programme of Samata Sainik Dal by none other than the respected senior Ambedkarite leader Mr L R Baley. He reached late in the evening of 13th and was expected to make a special speech in the conference. The next day, when he was called upon to make a speech he instead targeted the distortions indulged in the approach paper. He said that there was nothing new in the approach paper and rather the reiteration of the old orthodox position which he thought most Indian Marxists were apologetic about. For the paucity of time he just focused on the reference in the approach paper to him and explained how each and every word was a distortion. Since his opinions on the subject were known to the entire country, this distortion, he alleged was willful and deliberate and smacked of deep casteist prejudice. He said that firstly distorting the statement of a person and then celebrating its refutation was no Marxist method. 

The approach paper had taken an exception to his statement in the introduction he had written to the Annihilation of Caste published by the Students for Resistance in JNU, of course after distorting it, that he treated Ambedkar's Annihilation of caste to be as important as Marx's Communist Manifesto. Fortunately, Asit Das, the renowned civil rights activist had just before read out the actual statement, which was "What the Communist Manifesto is to the capitalist world Annihilation of Caste is to the caste India", which itself has exposed the lie of the organizers. Dr Teltumbde explained how it smacked of the casteist prejudice of the organizers against Ambedkar and dalits. In course of his explanation he said that Babasaheb Ambedkar did not claim to have given any lasting theory of society beyond the expression of his conception of an ideal society. He basically followed progressive pragmatism inspired by his professor in Columbia, John Dewey, which relied on any theoretical postulate being tested in practice so as to make the latter enlightened. It intrinsically accepted failures in its methodology. Ambedkar's greatness lay in his focus of the unique disease of the subcontinent and sincerely struggling against it. Whether he was right or wrong therefore becomes irrelevant. It is an empirical fact that Ambedkar failed in most things he had tried. Initially, he imagined that the advanced elements of the caste Hindus would come forward to undertake certain reforms but soon in Mahad, he got disillusioned with them and turned towards political opportunities. He labouriously won the separate political identity for Dalits but could not use it as Gandhi's blackmail annulled it. He won political reservations but realized that they rather served the ruling class interests and demanded their withdrawal in 1953. Interestingly, he himself could never get elected on the reserved seats even against the political pigmies. Other reservations (jobs and education) operated over 60 years could barely uplift 10 percent of dalits; the balance 90 percent of Dalits being where they were in relation to others. He promoted higher education among Dalits but it also did not work and had to lament that the educated Dalits had cheated him. He wrote the Constitution with great hope but had to declare that it was no good for anyone and that he was used as a hack. He embraced 'radical' Buddhism and imagined that he would make entire India Buddhist but Buddhism today is confined to only his community and is reduced to an additional identity. One may thus easily recount his failures. But then every great man has failed in that sense. The entire world considers that Marx has failed. This failure is far more serious because unlike Ambedkar Marx had given a 'grand theory'. It is far more serious than any other failures in history. 

Dr Teltumbde repeatedly criticized the organizers that their attitude that Marx has said the last word smacked of Hindutva-vadis who consider that everything was given in Vedas. He explained that in the IIT where he currently teaches, such things are convincingly spoken that entire science and technology was born only in India and all others had stolen it from here. He compared the entire discourse of the organizers with it and cautioned that it cannot be taken as Marxist. He said that trashing the entire non-Marxist struggles only showed their casteist attitude. Ambedkar was no Marxist. He had serious reservations about Marxism. But still he was not disrespectful about it notwithstanding his casual remarks that it only considered material wellbeing and ignored the spiritual aspects of human life. He always used Marxism as a benchmark to assess his own decisions as clearly revealed by his last lecture in Kathmandu "Buddha or Karl Marx". Like many people of his times, including many self-appointed Marxists, his conception of Marxism was superficial and today we may not consider it as valid. But is it relevant in evaluating his contributions, he asked. He emphasized that the contribution of Ambedkar not only to dalit emancipation but to the democratization of Indian society is greater than that of all Marxists together.   

He said that his convictions have been Marxist since early childhood but he still would be scared to call himself Marxist because of such orthodox, dogmatic and brahmanic attitude of the Marxists. He explained that his Marxism is based on its core tenet of dialectical materialism. Rest everything being derivative is subject to review in light of historical experience, notwithstanding whether it is attempted by Marx, Engels, Lenin or anybody else. He cautioned that the world has changed beyond recognition since the days of Marx and Engels. He posed some problematics in terms of advent of modern technologies like information technology, bio technologies, nano technologies, etc.; burgeoning middle classes and said that he has a long list of such things that might prompt rethink of Marxism. But the orthodox Marxists would never acknowledge it. It was this 'enthusiastic' attitude of the Marxists that Marx himself had to declare that he was not Marxist. He expressed his pain that the organizers had pushed him to say such bitter things about Marx and Marxism, which he held so dear to him. He went beyond and stated that lately he came to think of these 'isms' also as identities. Like any other identities they only divide people and weaken their revolutionary potential. 

He accused the early communists of making Marxism into a dogma with their brahmanic attitude and committing the biggest historical sin in borrowing the western moulds for class analysis of India. Had they even internalized Lenin's definition of class, castes as the life world of people in the subcontinent could not have been excluded from the conception of classes. They had advanced tools of Marxism to dissect the concrete reality of India but they reduced them into a simplistic metaphor of base and superstructure. What they did belonged to the 'base' and others' to the unimportant superstructure. It is this way they kept ridiculing Ambedkar, who had tended to befriend them in 1930s. If they had followed Marxism, castes could have been embodied into classes making anti-caste struggle as an integral part of the class struggle. But because of their brahmanic folly, castes got left out of their analysis, leaving behind the idiotic duality of class and caste. After his spirited criticism of the position of the organizers and defence of the anti-caste struggles, some of the representatives of the latter made longish speeches in a tone of refuting him. When he was called upon to speak after them, he simply said that all that they did was indulging again in distortion. Trashing their lengthy speeches, he said that since he never said things that were labouriously refuted, there was no need for him to offer rejoinder. He rather accepted their philosophical elaboration of John Dewey, etc.

He repeated what he has been saying for many years that there is no revolution in India without participation of Dalits and there is no emancipation of Dalits without revolution. The approach paper purporting to picture reality as they see only helps alienating dalits further. He cautioned that this attitude has brought the things to such a fore that dalits can easily join any reactionary camp but would consider the communists as their biggest enemy. Although this unfortunate attitude is hardened by many a historical processes, the communists cannot be absolved of their role. Many dalit youth of late have begun to be attracted towards communists; thanks to the degeneration of the dalit movement, but such attitudes as in the approach paper will surely disturb and re-alienate them. He expressed his lament using Marx's word that the approach paper had just tried to present reality; his point was to change it. 

This is the ruthful gist of what Dr Teltumbde spoke there. To pick up stray sentences ignoring such a thick context is a dishonest way unbecoming of any Marxist. 
-Veera Sathidar. Raju Kadam. Sharad Gaikwad. Sweta Birla. Sumedh Jadhav.

Persecution of Bengali Dalits In East Pakistan

Persecution of Bengali Dalits In East Pakistan

As a result of handing over Jassor, Khulana, Barishal, Faridpur, Dhaka and Maimansingh province to Pakistan by Arya-Brahminists, Mahapran Jogendra Nath Mandal believing the promises of Muslim league had to become Pakistani national and become law minister of Pakistan. He framed many laws in the interest of Dalits but converted Arya-Brahminists of Pakistan did not fulfil their promise to grant Dalits separate electorate. Muslim league started showing its communal fangs. The property of Bengali Dalits was destroyed and looted, they were killed, their women raped, molested and humiliated in Muslim League sponsored communal riots of 1948. In December 1949 whole Pakistan was burning in communal riots. The genocides committed during partition were nothing before the genocides and inhumanity of these riots. Communal riots of 1950 in Pakistan proved that Pakistan was not a safe place for Dalits.

Jogendranath Mandal toured riot hit areas and criticized role of police and antisocial elements. Prime minister Liyakat Ali objected his criticism and officially censored it. All the agreements meant to protect Dalits were thrown in to dustbin. The representation of Jogendranath Mandal to Jineva international labour conference was deliberately stopped. Jogendranath Mandal was banned to deliver any statement without the approval of prime minister. He was kept under round the clock vigil. The talk of Jogendranath Mandal with his colleagues use to get published in the newspapers of London. Whenever this happened prime minister asked him explanation. The naked reality explained by Mandal made prime minister answer-less. Prime minister with evil intention asked Jogendranath mandal to pass a censorship bill which ensures any person whether an officer or a common person 7 years rigorous imprisonment and or fine if he delivers statement against the interest of Pakistan. This bill was devised to lock the lips of Mahapran Jogendranath Mandal. Their relations deteriorated day after day. Jogendranath plainly told prime minister that if he wants he would resign from the minister's post.

During this time Mahapran had to go to India to attend to his son's serious illness. When his son recovered from illness he himself became ill. On 8th October 1950 Mahapran sent his resignation to prime minister of Pakistan in protest of persecution of Dalits in Pakistan.

According to Kripesh Namoshudra Casteism and untouchability is still observed in Bangla Desh (Former East Pakistan). On 7th October 2000 in a Brahmin controlled government school 38 Dalit students were expelled from school because they had dared to drink water from school tank because as these Dalit children were very thirsty. (P. 12, Dalit Voice, 16-30 November 2000)

The condition of Dalits in Bangla Desh is deteriorated more since BNP rule of Begum Khalida Zia. According to reports in Jankantha of April 2002 a Buddhist monk who was running an orphanage at Hingala Hill was beaten to death. Because he did not pay extortion amount and did not vacate the orphanage. In Ukiya one Buddhist Vihar was set on fire by the workers of ruling coalition. (JanakanthaMarch 23, 2002) In report of May 2000 it is said that in 1975 the 72% property of Hindus (read Dalits) is forcibly grabbed by members of ruling BNP. In year 1968 44% property of Dalits was forcibly grabbed by Awami league workers while 32% property was grabbed forcibly by BNP workers. ( Pakistan, Bangladesh, crimes, minorities, human rights violations, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, terrorism.htm)

During 1971 liberation war more than twenty lacs (2 million) Hindus (read Dalits) were massacred by the Pakistani army and Bengali Muslim Razakars. Physical elimination of minorities, kicking them out of their homes, raping and molesting their women, looting and usurping their properties had been encouraged by successive East Pakistan/Bangladesh Governments by enacting discriminatory laws. The minorities of Bangladesh were formally made second class citizen with the proclamation of 8th Amendment of the Constitution by making Islam as the state religion. Perhaps nowhere in the world such a protracted systematic operation to eliminate the minorities has been carried out for more than fifty long years; yet there is no sign of its end in near future. The population of Hindus (read Dalits) has gone down from around 25% in 1947 to less than 10% at present. Even today, on an average, 500 Hindus (read Dalits) leave Bangladesh for India everyday.

The persecution of Chakma Buddhists in Bangla Desh

The Arya-Brahminists converted to Islam have been persecuting Chakma Buddhists in every respect. Their religious freedom is crushed. They are severely beaten, kidnapped and killed, their women raped, houses set on fire, to grab Chakma property and land. Though the Bangla Desh government speaks of peace accord but whole government machinery acts in coordination against Chakma Buddhists. The government came in power in year 2001 made the life of Chakma Buddhists hellish.

The Manu-Media of India misinform the world to meet its Brahmin political interests by calling atrocities on Dalits and Buddhists of Bangla Desh and Pakistan as atrocities on Hindus. But no Arya-Brahminist organization or Arya-Brahminist ruled west Bengal government even done anything to help Dalits and Buddhist tribes of Bangla Desh. Politicians and intellectuals never raised their voices in any forum against this oppression and tyranny simply because these atrocities are committed upon Dalits by their converted Arya-Brahminist rulers of Bangla Desh. Therefore they have helped Bangla Desh Rulers to persecute Dalits.

बहस में सन्दर्भ के लिये इन्हें भी पढ़ें –


Persecution of Bengali Dalits In East Pakistan

Persecution of Bengali Dalits In East Pakistan

As a result of handing over Jassor, Khulana, Barishal, Faridpur, Dhaka and Maimansingh province to Pakistan by Arya-Brahminists, Mahapran Jogendra Nath Mandal believing the promises of Muslim league had to become Pakistani national and become law minister of Pakistan. He framed many laws in the interest of Dalits but converted Arya-Brahminists of Pakistan did not fulfil their promise to grant Dalits separate electorate. Muslim league started showing its communal fangs. The property of Bengali Dalits was destroyed and looted, they were killed, their women raped, molested and humiliated in Muslim League sponsored communal riots of 1948. In December 1949 whole Pakistan was burning in communal riots. The genocides committed during partition were nothing before the genocides and inhumanity of these riots. Communal riots of 1950 in Pakistan proved that Pakistan was not a safe place for Dalits.

Jogendranath Mandal toured riot hit areas and criticized role of police and antisocial elements. Prime minister Liyakat Ali objected his criticism and officially censored it. All the agreements meant to protect Dalits were thrown in to dustbin. The representation of Jogendranath Mandal to Jineva international labour conference was deliberately stopped. Jogendranath Mandal was banned to deliver any statement without the approval of prime minister. He was kept under round the clock vigil. The talk of Jogendranath Mandal with his colleagues use to get published in the newspapers of London. Whenever this happened prime minister asked him explanation. The naked reality explained by Mandal made prime minister answer-less. Prime minister with evil intention asked Jogendranath mandal to pass a censorship bill which ensures any person whether an officer or a common person 7 years rigorous imprisonment and or fine if he delivers statement against the interest of Pakistan. This bill was devised to lock the lips of Mahapran Jogendranath Mandal. Their relations deteriorated day after day. Jogendranath plainly told prime minister that if he wants he would resign from the minister's post.

During this time Mahapran had to go to India to attend to his son's serious illness. When his son recovered from illness he himself became ill. On 8th October 1950 Mahapran sent his resignation to prime minister of Pakistan in protest of persecution of Dalits in Pakistan.

According to Kripesh Namoshudra Casteism and untouchability is still observed in Bangla Desh (Former East Pakistan). On 7th October 2000 in a Brahmin controlled government school 38 Dalit students were expelled from school because they had dared to drink water from school tank because as these Dalit children were very thirsty. (P. 12, Dalit Voice, 16-30 November 2000)

The condition of Dalits in Bangla Desh is deteriorated more since BNP rule of Begum Khalida Zia. According to reports in Jankantha of April 2002 a Buddhist monk who was running an orphanage at Hingala Hill was beaten to death. Because he did not pay extortion amount and did not vacate the orphanage. In Ukiya one Buddhist Vihar was set on fire by the workers of ruling coalition. (JanakanthaMarch 23, 2002) In report of May 2000 it is said that in 1975 the 72% property of Hindus (read Dalits) is forcibly grabbed by members of ruling BNP. In year 1968 44% property of Dalits was forcibly grabbed by Awami league workers while 32% property was grabbed forcibly by BNP workers. ( Pakistan, Bangladesh, crimes, minorities, human rights violations, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, terrorism.htm)

During 1971 liberation war more than twenty lacs (2 million) Hindus (read Dalits) were massacred by the Pakistani army and Bengali Muslim Razakars. Physical elimination of minorities, kicking them out of their homes, raping and molesting their women, looting and usurping their properties had been encouraged by successive East Pakistan/Bangladesh Governments by enacting discriminatory laws. The minorities of Bangladesh were formally made second class citizen with the proclamation of 8th Amendment of the Constitution by making Islam as the state religion. Perhaps nowhere in the world such a protracted systematic operation to eliminate the minorities has been carried out for more than fifty long years; yet there is no sign of its end in near future. The population of Hindus (read Dalits) has gone down from around 25% in 1947 to less than 10% at present. Even today, on an average, 500 Hindus (read Dalits) leave Bangladesh for India everyday.

The persecution of Chakma Buddhists in Bangla Desh

The Arya-Brahminists converted to Islam have been persecuting Chakma Buddhists in every respect. Their religious freedom is crushed. They are severely beaten, kidnapped and killed, their women raped, houses set on fire, to grab Chakma property and land. Though the Bangla Desh government speaks of peace accord but whole government machinery acts in coordination against Chakma Buddhists. The government came in power in year 2001 made the life of Chakma Buddhists hellish.

The Manu-Media of India misinform the world to meet its Brahmin political interests by calling atrocities on Dalits and Buddhists of Bangla Desh and Pakistan as atrocities on Hindus. But no Arya-Brahminist organization or Arya-Brahminist ruled west Bengal government even done anything to help Dalits and Buddhist tribes of Bangla Desh. Politicians and intellectuals never raised their voices in any forum against this oppression and tyranny simply because these atrocities are committed upon Dalits by their converted Arya-Brahminist rulers of Bangla Desh. Therefore they have helped Bangla Desh Rulers to persecute Dalits.

Riddles in Hinduism

सर्वस्वहाराओं के मसीहा:डॉ.आंबेडकर


Bamcef Unification Conference Mumbai Dedicated to Harichand Thakur!

Palash Biswas


Published on 11 Mar 2013

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We have celebrated the bicentenary anniversary of Harichand Tahkur who led Indigo Revolt and revolted against Brahaminical system with Matua Movement.In Mumbai, Bamcef Unification conference on 2nd and 3rd march was dedicated to the great peasant leader of India.Harichand Thakur, sometimes known as Sri Sri Harichand Thakur, was a social reformer in Bengal. He worked among thesubaltern population.Later people from all sections, irrespective of caste and creed or religion joined him to make it a great success. Whether Catholic Missionaries or The Hindus or The followers of Brahmoism, all acknowledged his great contribution in the Bengal Renaissance among the poor and marginalised people. He started his mission with a view to spread education and create self-respect among these people and at the same time he insisted for removing of all kinds of social bashing which is a curse in Indian society.


एकीकृत बामसेफ का लक्ष्य: हम अंबेडकर विचारधारा के मुताबिक देश की उत्पादक व सामाजिक शक्तियों के साझा मंच से इस देश की बहिष्कृत निनानब्वे फीसद जनगण के डिजिटल बायोमेट्रिक कत्लेआम के लिए आर्थिक सुधारों के नाम जारी अश्वमेध अभियान के खिलाफ अविलंब राष्ट्रव्यापी आंदोलन शुरु करने के लिए कोशिश कर रहे हैं, जो सबसे अहम है।

Thus,Celebrate d200 th Anniversary of Harichand Thakur who launched ANTI Untouchability Movement in India for the First Time and later his son Guruchand Thakur launched the Famous Chandal Andolan which Abolished untouchabilty in Bengal even before Ambedkaremerged to lead us.Untouchability is not only the result of Manusmriti based caste system, but it is Indian version of racial discrimination thrust upon the aborigin indigenous nature associated communities by the foreign rooted racial supremacy now known as zionist Brahaminical monopolistic imperialist corporate hegemony.


Harichand Thakur led Anti Brahaminical movement with MATUA Religion rejecting the Brahamin dharma. The crisis is that Matua religion is no more Ant Brahamin and it is BRAHAMINISED  nullifying the great achievement and Heritage of harichand Guruchand Thakur. Harichand Thakur was a NAMOSHUDRA but he is projected as MAITHILI Brahamin and the Incarnation of Vishnu! We must resist this! For Matua Movement, personalities like Jogendra Nath Mandal and Mukund Behari Mallick could Succeed DR BR Ambedkar get elected for Constitution assembly! We must NOT allow the Movement to be Hijacked by the Brahaminical  Hegemony!


He was one of six sons of Namasudra or Namassej (then called Chandala) peasant family that was thought to be belong to the Gautama clan (later, the community members agreed to be identified as belonging to Kasyapa clan; in the different census reports of nineteenth century the Namasudras were found to identifying themselves as belonging to four different clans or gotras). Born in 1812 at Safaldanga, Gopalgaunge, his birthname was Sri Harichand Biswas. He moved to Odakandi, Faridpur. At a very early age he accepted the path of religious reformation for giving service to and uplifting the subaltern people of Bengal. He experienced atmadarshan (self-realisation) and preached his ideologies and religious philosophy in twelve commandments and asked his followers to pursue his works. He established Matua Mahasangha.
Married with one son, Guruchand Thakur, Thakur died at Odakandi in 1877. His son has been the leader of the awakening of namasudra people.


We have been entrusted to draft a document which will help in creating a mechanism for avoiding split in the organization, diversion of  funds, haphazardly removal of activists and so on at the 2 day Unification Conference. As you are aware we are short of time and the same should have been used for more constructive work but it is unfortunate that we have to complete this unavoidable task. So kindly circulate  your free and frank suggestions, draft, documents, ideas so that we can complete the job well within the time frame of not more than 02 months.  The  List of co-ordination adhoc committee members is as follows :
NAME MOBILE NUMBER e-mail address
Mr. Jyotinath Kushawah – Hajipur Bihar 9471008004  /
Mr. Palash Biswas - Kolkata 9903717833
Mr. Chamanlal - Saharanpur 9452009503
Mr. Abhiram Mallick – BBSR, Orrisa 9437890720
Mr. Bhaskar Wakde – Chandrapur, Mah. 9850729521                        ------
Mr. Kokan Mitra - Kolkata 9433124989                    ---------
Mr. Ravji Patel – Balsad, Gujrat 9426872677
Mr. Abdul Shukoor - Bangalore 9538326610
Mr. S.K. Barve - Mumbai 9869056811  /
Mr. Sarnath Gaikawad 9021898941
Mr. Tappen Mandal - Kolkatta 9434040728

সম্পূর্ণ তথ্য জানার জন্য যোগাযোগ করুণঃ
9869056811 022-24117888 / 24178481  022-24117888

Published on 10 Mar 2013
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Published on 5 Mar 2013

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Published on 5 Mar 2013

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Published on 10 Mar 2013

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Published on 8 Mar 2013

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Published on 10 Mar 2013

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Published on 10 Mar 2013

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Published on 5 Mar 2013

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Published on Mar 13, 2013
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Periyarism is dead in Tamil Nadu as Matua Antibrahaminical Movement is Digested in Bengal!The followers of Matua and NAMOSHUDRA Movement and DR Ambedkar were EJECTED out from their Homelnad and Scattered countrywide and made DEPRIVED of Citizenship, Reservation, Mother Tongue, Civic and Human Rights. Bengali SC OBC refugees were resettled in Tribal areas countrywide and Brahamins pitted SC OBC Bengalies and later the Tamil Refugees following Periyarism Anti Brahamin against the MOST Militant ST Communities. Only in the FIVE States ANDHRA, MAHARASHTRA,MP, ORRISSA and CHHATISHGARG no less than TWENTY MILLION Bengali SC OBC Refugees are Resettled in Tribal areas. Now, under OPERATION AMAZON undeclared, all the Natural resources and Mines and Minerals, water and Land have to be handed over to India Incs and MNCs, systematically MAOIST Menace Inflicted in the ABORIGINAL Humanscape to accomplish the agenda of EXODUS, Holocaust and Military ACTIONS. Only in CHHATISHGARGH THREE Hundred Sixty Thousnad bengali refugees mostly NAMOSHUDRA have been resettled under Dandakarany Project! In Malkangiri and navrangpur distrcists of ORRISSA, HUNDREDS of Bengali Colonies are established under the same Project. Garchiroli, CHANDRAPUR and GONDIA districts in Maharashtra, Shadaul, Panna and Baitul districts in M.P. have refugeee colnies and so the ADILABAD Subdivision of ANDHRA undre Dandakarany Project! Mind you, these seettlements are PURELY Refugee Settlements and the so called Illegal bangladeshi Migrants concentrate in mostly Bengal and METRO cities of India. But the Deportion DRIVE is launched in DANDAKARNYA States to clear decks for FREE and INDISCRIMINATE land Acquisition for Urbanisation, Industrialisation, Infrstructure, SEZ, PCPIR, Nuclear Plants and Big dams, NOT and NEVER in Bengal or in any of the METRO cities. Thus, Citizenship Amendment act as well as UNIQUE Identity Project Target the TRIBAL Aboriginal World where the SC OBC Bengali and Tamil refugees are resetlled ! Hence Periyarism and Matua Movement MUST be the MOST Relevan and mandatory forces of RSISTANCE!


US companies can play major role in India infra sectors: FM

As PERIYARISM is LOST in Tamil Film Industry Brahaminical Galamour and Corruption all ROUND, Dynasty rule, Matua Movement in Bengal lost way since PR Thakur was made Matua Head. since Ambedkar was Elected form SC quota in Bengal, PR Thakur felt DEPRIVED and the Matua Movement herefrom led by descendents of Great Harichand Thakur Guruchand Thakur had a TURNAROUND to be LOST in Brahaminasation and ANTI AMBEDKAR emotions which undermined the greater ineters of SC, OBC, ST and Muslim communities specifically in Benagl and beyond. Now, pathetically Matau Movement has become the INSTRUMENT in the Tug of war between two Prominent Brahaminical factons led by One Bhattachary and One Bandopaddhyay!Diversion of Matua Movement has led to nationwide deportation Drive against resettled bengali Sc and OBC communities on the one hand and on the other, DISINTEGRATING MUSLIM SC ST OBC UNIFIED Peasntry it has HELPD the Maoist and CORPORATE LPG Mafia Menace to take over the ABORIGINAL Humanscape countrywide, where US Operationfor GOLD RUSH in AMAZON River zone all over in  Latin AMERICA is mercilessly REPLICATED!

India is ruled by the Governement of Extraconstitutional elements, Washington Super Slaves, India Incs, MNCs and LPG Mafia with as Open Glorified Agenda of Mass Destruction powered by Strategic Nuclear Zionist Brhaminical Alliance in US and Israel lead!

Operation Amezon has been launched in Indian aboriginal Indigenous Humanscape whereas our Mulnivasi Brotherhood is Uprooted, Displaced, Defaced and Demonised and does suffer continuous EXODUS and Ethnic Cleansing and HOLOCAUST since Power Transfer to Brahamin Bania Corporate Corrupt Raj!

In Bengal, Guruchand Thakur, following his Great Father Harichand Thakur who launched Anti Brahaminical Matua Movement, did UNIFIED BENGALI Untouchable communities and launched NAMOSHUDRA Movement demanding Abolishion of Untouchability, Annihilition of caste, TEBHAGA, Land Rights and Land Reforms and moreover, Separate ELECTORATE for Untouchables.

This movement created leaders like Mukund Bihari Malick and Jogendra Nath mandal who backed by strong Peasantry of Muslims, Tribals and SC OBC  Demography of more than NINETY Percent Population in Bengal,not only did succeed to oust Caste Hindu Brahaminical Class out of Political Power in Bengal but also did ELECT DR BR Ambedkar to the Constitution Assembly to ensure Constitutional safeguards for SC, ST and OBC communities!


The Mulnivasi Movement shaped in National Geopolitics with Bengal, Punjab and Maharashtra along with South India being the strongest bases.

Thus, the Mischief Master, Gandhi and his zionist Clan led by Kashmiri Pundit JL Nehru partitioned India and DIVIDED Bengal as well as Punjab to kill the stings of Mulnivasi National Movement.

The followers of Matua and NAMOSHUDRA Movement and DR Ambedkar were EJECTED out from their Homelnad and Scattered countrywide and made DEPRIVED of Citizenship, Reservation, Mother Tongue, civic and Human Rights.

Bengali SC OBC refugees were resettled in Tribal areas countrywide and Brahamins pitted SC OBC Bengalies and later the Tamil Refugees following Periyarism Anti Brahamin against the MOST Militant ST Communities.

Only in the FIVE States ANDHRA, MAHARASHTRA,MP, ORRISSA and CHHATISHGARG no less than TWENTY MILLION Bengali SC OBC Refugees are Resettled in Tribal areas.

Now, under OPERATION AMOZEN undeclared, all the Natural resources and Mines and Minerals, water and Land have to be handed over to India Incs and MNCs, systematically MAOIST menace Inflicted in the ABORIGINAL Humanscape to accomplish the agenda of EXODUS, Holocaust and Military ACTIONS.

Only in CHHATISHGARGH THREE Hundred Sixty Thousnad bengali refugees mostly NAMOSHUDRA have been resettled under Dandakarany Project! In Malkangiri and navrangpur distrcists of ORRISSA, HUNDREDS of Bengali Colonies are established under the same Project. Garchiroli, CHANDRAPUR and GONDIA districts in Maharashtra, Shadaul, Panna and Baitul districts in M.P. have refugeee colnies and so the ADILABAD Subdivision of ANDHRA undre Dandakarany Project!

Mind you, these seettlements are PURELY Refugee Settlements and the so called Illegal bangladeshi Migrants concentrate in mostly Bengal and METRO cities of India. 


But the Deportion DRIVE is launched in DANDAKARNYA States to clear decks for FREE and INDISCRIMINATE land Acquisition for Urbanisation, Industrialisation, Infrstructure, SEZ, PCPIR, Nuclear Plants and Big dams, NOT and NEVER in Bengal or in any of the METRO cities. Thus, Citizenship Amendment act as well as UNIQUE Identity Project Target the TRIBAL Aboriginal World where the SC OBC Bengali and Tamil refugees are resetlled ! Hence Periyarism and Matua Movement MUST be the MOST Relevant and mandatory forces of RSISTANCE!


"Shrishriharililamrta" is the principal religious scripture of the Matuya. Apart from praising Hari and meditating upon him, the Matuya believe in kindness to the living. In order to stress the importance of all living creatures and the equality of all life, they say that the remains of what a dog has eaten are holy food and that what is upheld as holy by the vedas and orthodox religion is to be violated. These ideas are expressed in the following lines of verse:
Hari dhyan Hari jnan Hari nam
Premete matoyara matuya nam
Jibe daya name ruchi manusete
Iha chhada ar yata sab kriya
Kukurer prasad pele khai
Veda-bidhi shauchachar nahi mani tai.
The Matuya are found in Bangladesh and West Bengal. Their principal temple is at Orakandi in Gopalganj, where a fair is held every year on the 13th day of the lunar month in Falgun, on the birth anniversary of Harichand Thakur. Thousands of devotees from all over the country gather on the occasions, bringing rice, lentils, and vegetables as token of their devotion and love.
The same fair used to be held at Thakurnagar,Thakurbari too on the birth anniversary of Harichand Thakur.Lakhs and lakhs of devotees from all over the country gather on the occasion.This is where all people come to "boroma" with lots of issues regarding their family etc..wishing boroma can solve their problems
Its a pure example of truth,honest,love and devotion.
They take bath in the holy water of Kamana Sagar before performing any worship.

                                                       Kamana Sagar

Matuya Sangit spiritual songs of the Matuya sect, containing praises of the god Hari and their gurus, Harichand Thakur and Guruchand. Composers of Matuya songs include Aswani Gosai, Tarak Chandra Sarker, Manohar Sarker, Mahananda Sarker, Rasik Sarker, Prafulla Gonsai, Surendranath Sarker, and Swarup Sarker.(they are the real followers i must say)

Composed in the manner of baul songs, these songs are predominantly about love (prem) and devotion (bhakti). The closing lines of the songs mention the name of the composer. Musical instruments such as the drum, shinga, and kansa are used as accompaniments. The devotees dance while they sing.

Matuya songs describe the longing of the soul for the divine. As in other religious poetry, the desire of the human soul is imaged in terms of human love as in the following songs: Hari tomar namer madhu pan korla na man-bhramara (The honey-bee mind has not drunk the honey from your name, oh Hari), Kabe tanre pab re, paran kande Harichand bali (When shall I meet Him, my soul cries for Harichand), Amar ei akinchan, he Guruchand tomay ami bhalabasi (Listen to me, O Guruchand, I love you).
(there were lots of song to sing though)


  • [The Namasudras and other Addresses, Adelaide,1911 : C.S.Mead]
  • [Matua Dharma Darshan ( in Bengali ), Thakurnagar,1393 B.S. p-47 : Paramananda Halder]
  • [Sekhar Bandyopadhyay :Popular religion and social mobility : The Matua sect and the namsudras in R.K.Ray (ed) Mind Body and Society, Life and Mentality in colonial Bengal ( Calcutta) 1995]
  • [Hitesh Ranjan Sanyal : Social Mobility in Bengal, Calcutta,1985]
  • [Tarak Chandra Sarkar: Sri Sri Hari Lilamrita ( in Bengali ) Faridpur, 1323BS]
  • [Adal Badal (Bengali Monthly) June–July,1995 No IV and V ]

  • [Matua Dharma Darshan ( in Bengali ), Thakurnagar,1393 B.S. p-47 : Paramananda Halder]
  • [Sekhar Bandyopadhyay :Popular religion and social mobility : The Matua sect and the namsudras in R.K.Ray (ed) Mind Body and Society, Life and Mentality in colonial Bengal ( Calcutta) 1995]
  • [Hitesh Ranjan Sanyal : Social Mobility in Bengal, Calcutta,1985]
  • [Tarak Chandra Sarkar: Sri Sri Hari Lilamrita ( in Bengali ) Faridpur, 1323BS]
  • [Adal Badal (Bengali Monthly) June–July,1995 No IV and V ]
  • [ The Family genealogy and community identity are after the living members of the clan in Thakurnagar as on 23 March 2011 ]

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