Thursday, May 28, 2015

पहाडी आप्रवासन, वनफँडानी र डा. सीके राउत पक्राउको विरोधमा मधेश भरि शुक्रबार पनि विरोधप्रदर्शन जारी ईटहरीमा मधेशी-पहाडी दंगा फैलाउन प्रहरीको संलग्नता रहेको आशंका

पहाडी आप्रवासनवनफँडानी  डासीके राउत पक्राउको विरोधमा मधेश भरि शुक्रबार पनि विरोधप्रदर्शन जारी

ईटहरीमा मधेशी-पहाडी दंगा फैलाउन प्रहरीको संलग्नता रहेको आशंका


जेठ १५शुक्रबारराजविराज। सुन्सरी इटहरीको एरिना टेलिविजनमा मंगलबार डासीके.राउतलाई अन्तर्वार्ता दिनु अगावै टेलिविजनको कार्यकक्षबाटै पक्राऊ गरेको विरोधमा शुक्रबार पनिमधेश भरि प्रदर्शन जारी रहेको छ।  विशेष अदालतबाट राज्यविप्लवको मुद्दामा सफाई पाइसकेकाडाराउतलाई सुनियोजित तरिकाले संचार-गृहबाटै उठाई पुनराज्यविप्लवको मुद्दा चलाउनखोजेकोमधेशी-पहाडी दंगा भडकाएर मधेशीलाई विस्थापित गर्न खोजेको टिवीमा अन्तर्वार्तासमेत नदिने गरी वाक्-स्वतंत्रता हरण गरेको विरोधमा मंगलवार नै मोरंगसुन्सरीसप्तरी नवलपरासी लगायतका ठाउँहरूमा स्वस्फूर्त रूपमा नेपाल सरकारको विरुद्धमा मधेशीहरूले विरोधप्रदर्शन गरेका थिएभने त्यसपछाडि पनि धनुषामहोत्तरीबारा लगायतका जिल्लाहरूमाशुक्रबार सम्म पनि  विरोध प्रदर्शन जारी रहेको छ। मधेशीहरूले विरोध जुलुसमा "पहाडीबसाइँसराइ – बन्द गरबन्द गर, "वन फँडानी – बन्द गरबन्द गर"नेपाली उपनिवेश अन्त गरअन्त गर", "गृहयुद्ध – चाहिँदैनचाहिँदैन", "हाम्रो जमिन – हाम्रै हो", "हाम्रो जंगल हाम्रै हो, "झुठा मुद्दा – खारेज गरखारेज गर" "प्रहरी दमन – बन्द गरबन्द गर", "वाक्स्वतन्त्रता – कायम होस्कायम होस्भन्मे नारा लगाएका थिए  भूकम्पको नाममा मधेशकोजंगल मास्ने  पहाडीहरूलाई मधेशमा बसाउने षड्यन्त्रको घोर विरोध गरेका थिए।


मंगलबार नेपाल प्रहरीले  डाराउतलाई संचारगृहबाटै पक्रेर लगेपछि .प्र.काईटहरीमै राखियोत्यहाँ -१० मिनेट पनि हुन नपाउँदै डेढ दर्जनभन्दा बढी पत्रकारहरू जम्मा हुन पुगेका थिएभन्नेईलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय अगाडि मान्छेहरूको घूइँचो लागेको थियो। बाहिर जम्मा भएका भीडमाउत्तेजित पहाडीहरूले "सी के राउतलाई फाँसी दे", "सी के राउतलाईहस्तान्तरण गरजिउँदैजलाउँछौंजस्ता नाराहरू दिएका थिएभने डासीकेराउतको पुतलालाई नगर परिक्रमा गराईत्यहाँ दहन गरिएको थियो। पहाडीहरूले त्यहाँ वरिपरि उपस्थित मधेशीहरूलाई मारपीट गर्नेगरेकोखुट्टाले हानाहान गरिराखेको कारणले त्यहाँ फैलिनै लागेको मधेशी-पहाडी दंगाबाट बच्नभीडबाट अलग्गिने क्रममा डाराउतका अन्य  जना सहयोगीहरू पनि पक्राऊ परेका थिए। सांझसम्ममा त्यहाँ अंदाजी २०००-३००० पहाडीहरू नै जम्मा भएर माईक लगाई भाषण गरेका थिए"मधेशी चोरदेश छोडजस्ता उग्र नाराहरू दिएका थिए।


डाराउतलाई अन्य १३ जना बंदीका साथ एउटा सानो हिरासतकक्षमा आफ्नो सहयोगीहरूबाटअलग्याएर राखिएको थियोजसमध्ये ज्यानमुद्दाबलात्कारलागूऔषधभर्खरै समातिएकाजडयाँहा  डनहरू समेत थिएभन्ने सोही कक्षमा १३-१४ वर्षको आरोपी बच्चालाई ल्याए पछिबंदीहरूले तिनलाई डाराउतकै अगाडि कुटपीट पनि गरेका थिए।

डाराउतलाई कुनै हालतमा  छोडिने  राज्यविप्लवको मुद्दा लगाइने कुरा डिएसपी विनोदशर्माले बताएका थिए।


प्रहरीको कार्यालय अगाडि हजारौंको संख्यामा पहाडीहरू जम्मा भई डासीकेराउत विरुद्धनाराबाजी गरेकोपुतला दहन गरेको  मधेशी-पहाडी बीच हुन लागेको दंगालाई स्थानीयटेलिविजनहरूले लाईव प्रसारण गरेका थिए। सो लाईव हेरेको स्थानीय ईटहरीबासीले सो नारालगाउन शुरु गर्ने सादा पोशाकका प्रहरी नै हुन सक्ने दाबी गरेका छन्। विडियोमा  सो भीडमाउपस्थित डाराउतको कार्यकर्ता तथा अन्य मधेशीहरूमाथि पनि पहाडीहरूले खुट्टाले हानेका थिए, लेखेटदै समातेर पिट्न खोजेका थिए। प्रहरीहरू पहिला देखि नै स्टान्डबाईमा लुकेर बस्नु  डा.राउत स्टुडियोमा जाने वित्तिकै पक्रनुपक्राऊ परे देखि नै सबैकुरा विडियोमा रेकर्डिंग गरिनु,पुलिसकै संलग्नता  संरक्षणमा नाराबाजी गराउनुस्थानीय अधिकारकर्मीहरूसँग जाहेरीमादस्तखत लिनु आदि सबै नेपाल सरकारको दंगा फैलाउने सुनियोजित षड्यन्त्र भएको कुरास्वतन्त्र मधेश गठबन्धनले दाबी गरेको छ।





Asst. Prof. Kailash Mahato

Sub-coordinator, Alliace for Independent Madhesh






Protest continues against mass-migration and arrest of Dr. Raut from interview room:

Nepal police suspected in provoking the ethnic riot between Pahadis and Madheshis



2015 May 29 Friday, Rajbiraj, NEPAL / The protests continued even on Friday in several districts of Madhesh, the southern part of Nepal, against the arrest of the Madheshi activist Dr. C. K. Raut, on Tuesday, from a TV station in Itahari, forbidding him from giving an interview. Nepal Police DSP Binod Sharma had told that he would be indicted on a charge of treason, again, just after a month of getting a clean-chit from the Special Court on the charge of treason filed in October last year. 


Recently Dr. Raut opined that the hasty mass resettlement of Pahadis, the northern ruling class people, into Madhesh may be detrimental to the ecological, social and cultural balance of the region, as it is already marred by excessive population density, deforestation, desertification and ethnic clashes between the migrants Pahadis and the natives Madheshis. The opinion has stirred Nepal since it appeared on Dr. Raut's Facebook page and brought many backlashes, including hundreds of death threats. Dr Raut had also warned of the possibility of an epidemic such as cholera, from such unmanaged mass migrations and settlement, as happened in Haiti. It should be noted that upon an appeal from Dr Raut, Madheshis throughout various southern districts observed a one-day-fast on 12th May, and donated their share of food for the Nepal's great earthquake victims.


Upon arrest on Tuesday, Dr. Raut and his five aides, were kept in custody in a very torturous condition at the Itahari Police Station, in front of which more than two thousands Pahadi rioters gathered quicklym demanding police to submit Dr. Raut to them to be burnt alive. The rioters chanted slogans for hours and they also burnt an effigy of Dr. Raut in front of the police station.  


Some of the local TV channels broadcasted the riot live, which shows Pahadi rioters even attacking Madheshis. Several local people, who watched the broadcast, have claimed that the Nepal Police in plain clothes have been involved in chanting the slogans demanding capital punishment for Dr Raut, giving rise to the speculation that the Pahadi rioters were gathered and protected by the police themselves.


Against the arrest of Dr. Raut and his supporters, as well as the government's plan for deforestation and mass resettlement of Pahadis into already fragile Madhesh, the protest has continued even on Friday. Madheshis have already protested in Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari, Saptari, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Bara and Navalparasi districts.


Dr. Raut, the coordinator for the Alliance for Independent Madhesh (AIM), recently faced a treason charge for advocating a separate Madhesh nation, but the Special Court gave him a clean cheat on April 23rd. Humanrights advocates and lawyers have termed the most recent arrest of Dr Raut as contempt of the court and gross violation of freedom of speech.


Some initial part of the video of the riot is available at:




Asst. Prof. Kailash Mahato

Sub-coordinator, Alliace for Independent Madhesh


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