Friday, October 1, 2010


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mohammad <>
Date: Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 7:37 PM




  of the Republic of Cuba


New Delhi, October 1st, 2010



Dear friends,


The Embassy of the Republic of Cuba has the pleasure to enclose some documents to:  





                Due to the importance of the information contained in these documents they can be resent, copied or published.


               The Embassy of Cuba , taking into account the seriousness of the situation in this brother country, also call upon you to show support.


            Sincerly regards,


  Press Section

Cuban Embassy


Eduardo E. Iglesias Quintana

Minister Counsellor

Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in India
tel: 2924 2467/68, 2924 2370   fax: :2924 2369

Mobile: 9899491822
email:; web:

    The Cuban Five will return!!!        




Statement by the Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs on the Coup d' état Attempt in Ecuador. Havana, September 30th, 2010, 3:00PM.


Following instructions from the President of the Councils of State and of Ministers I will make the following statement:


·       The government of the Republic of Cuba condemns and expresses its strongest rejection to the Coup d' état that is taking place in Ecuador. President Correa has denounced that there is a Coup d' état taking place, that he has been attacked and is being retained by force at the Police Metropolitan Hospital in Quito.


·       Cuba hopes that the leadership of the Ecuadorian Armed Forces honor their obligation to respect and enforce the Constitution, to guarantee the inviolability of the lawfully elected President of the Republic and ensure the State of Law.


·       We make the head of the Armed Forces from Ecuador responsible for the physical integrity and the life of President Correa. His complete freedom of movement and the exercise of his duties must be guaranteed.


·       We strongly reject the statements attributed to the so called Sociedad PatriÙŽtica (Patriotic Society) of Lucio Gutiérrez, proclaiming intentions openly in favor of the coup.


·       Cuba offers its most absolute and full support to the legit and constitutional government of President Rafael Correa and backs the Ecuadorian people that is mobilizing to rescue their President.


·       Cuba joins the statements by Latin-American Presidents and international organizations demanding that the coup attempt be stopped.


·       I call upon the US government to make a statement against the coup d' état. Its spokesperson has only stated that "he is following the situation closely". An omission in this regard would make him an accomplice of the coup attempt.



·       Facts such as this, serve only to the interests from outside our region that pretend to prevent the advance of independent and transforming processes.


·       This is also an attempt to silence the voice of Ecuador and of its President in his confronting the US interventionist policy in the region.


·       Destabilizing attempts such as these seek only to bring back from the past the times when coup d' état used to take place, now through other methods, to restore the imperialist domination and the oligarchies.


·       Cuba warned, on the occasion of the coup d' état organized in Honduras with the participation of power sectors from the United States, and after with the situation of impunity accorded to those who staged the coup, that with these serious facts a new era of coup d' état and military dictatorships in Latin America had been reopened.



In defense of Ecuador


The Net "In Defense of Humanity" calls upon international public opinion to strongly condemn the coup d´état in Ecuador and urge all men and women defenders of peace, justice and legality to denounce this violation of the sovereignty and constitutional order in this country.


The US government is looking like an accomplice.  So we most denounce those who want to stop democratic and revolutionary changes in our Continent, as they did already in Honduras, using all means including the most violent.


Urgently we call you all to show support for President Rafael Correa, genuinely and democratically elected, supported by peoples will in five successive occasions.  We demand the preservation of his physical integrityAll peoples must mobilize to unanimously condemn such a heinous action, conducted by the most extremist reactionaries and rightists, with the complicity of imperialism.      


Down with the Coup.


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Palash Biswas
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