Friday, October 1, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] Doctors make serious errors with half of patients - Celiac disease doubling - especially among elderly

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From: Grannie's <>
Date: Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 1:00 PM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] Doctors make serious errors with half of patients - Celiac disease doubling - especially among elderly

What                                   Doctors Don't Tell You

E-news Broadcast.   September 30, 2010.    No. 701

News Headlines 
Doctors make serious mistake with half of all patients

Doctors make a serious mistake - such as making a wrong diagnosis or recommending an inappropriate treatment - with half of all the patients they see.
Fluoride in drinking water is bad for teeth, brain and kidneys, experts tell EU 
Fluoride in drinking water damages our teeth - as well as our brain, kidney, thyroid function and hormonal balance, leading scientists have told a European Union public hearing.  The UK and Ireland are the only two nations in the EU that fluoridate the public water supply.
Arthritis sufferers should keep taking glucosamine after 'bad science' report
If you suffer from arthritic pain, keep taking the glucosamine and chondroitin supplements.  Although a recent, well-publicized study has concluded the popular supplements are useless at fighting arthritis, other experts say it's another case of bad science.

Celiac disease doubling - especially among elderly
Celiac disease - where people are highly allergic to gluten - is far more common than doctors have supposed, a new study has discovered.  The extent of the problem is doubling every 15 years - and the elderly are more likely to develop the allergy.  

Rubbing your hand really does reduce the pain
It's something that most of us do instinctively when we get a sudden jabbing pain - we rub it with our hand.  And scientists have this week discovered that it really does help.
More powerful than drugs
How your mind affects disease 

Our mind - our thoughts and feelings - really can be more powerful than a drug, even when it comes to serious diseases such as cancer.
The latest Special report from What Doctors Don't Tell You - A mind to heal - uncovers the very latest research that demonstrates just how our mind can combat disease.  
It covers all the mind-over-matter research, and it also includes studies on prayer, the placebo effect - and even a new theory that suggests why it is that our thoughts can beat disease  

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Palash Biswas
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