Thursday, December 23, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Islamic Intelligence Strategic Summary, 122121/122221

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Captain May <>
Date: Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 10:40 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Islamic Intelligence Strategic Summary, 122121/122221
To: 1LT Patti Woodard <>
Cc: CSM Merlin Lee Neadow <>, SFC Donald Buswell <>, CPL Otis Stratton <>


Islamic Intelligence Strategic Summary
. .. .. . .. . 122121/122221 . .. .. .. .. .

A Prologue from Major Fox

Dear Captain May, Al-Jazeerah: World War Three Analysis (12221) is now posted to your author archive at I am glad to see that you have been receiving increased global recognition for the quality of your 2006 strategic analysis. Best regards, Bill Fox

By Captain Eric H. May
Intelligence Editor
The Lone Star Iconoclast

HOUSTON, 112/22/2010 -- The expert analysis below should be heeded, with US and EU warning signs cascading across both Mainstream Media and Internet Intelligentsia to confirm what the official establishment dictates, more or less.

"A terror attack is imminent anywhere over the holidays, with plots uncovered almost daily since the Black Friday Portland bombing attempt. Much-bombed Mumbai joined the UK Christmas shoppers and the US food supply as the three most prominent Al-Qaeda targets to be announced in the last three days."

  • NATO has changed its mission from defense against Russia to offense in the Global War on Terror.
  • Israel has finished seven weeks of training for another attack on Lebanon.
  • Turkey is conducting friendly talks with Iran and Syria.
  • Venezuela is installing Iranian S-300 missiles against an eventual US attack.
  • The US/Russia Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty (START), which the Senate is expected to ratify today, may be in reality the start of an expanded war in Southwest Asia.
  • East Asia is preparing for nuclear war.

Add to the facts some coded clues:

  • Yesterday was the 22nd anniversary of the Lockerbie plane bombing.
  • Yesterday was the two-year mark in the countdown to the end of the earth on 12/21/2012, according to popular culture.
  • Today is the 9th anniversary of shoe bomber Richard Reed's attempt to bomb a UK-US passenger flight.

It's a hard rain gonna fall while we shake, rattle and roll. The only question really worth asking is whether we should spell the evil entity stirring the storms and quickening the quakes as Al-Qaeda or Al-Ciada.

+ + + + + + +

On Monday, my Islamic Intelligence one-time publisher and two-time pen-pal, Abu Salem sofyan, wrote me concerned comments about my essay.

Salaam. Thanks for these insights, which are very well detailed. We probably have something big on the way, after Netanyahu took control of the congress and unleashed his Wiki-lies. Wait and see. Hayakum Allah (may Allah swt enlighten you and your great work).

CPTMAY Note: Most Muslims append "swt" after mentioning Allah (God). It's an acronym for the Arabic Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, which means "The most glorified, the most high".

I replied to Abu Salem

God be with you, Abu Salem!

I quite agree with you about the Wikileaks affair, which members of the U.S. intelligence establishment have called Israeli propaganda. Likewise former White House insiders (e.g., Paul Craig Roberts) are giving voice to the timely reminder that political police like the FBI or the KGB are willing to dress as foes and attack friends: Fabricating Terror,

There are headlines in the U.S. that distract the irrelevant (by design) American Left:

  • Military homosexuals
  • Illegal immigrants
  • 9/11 health care
  • Toxins in our water
  • Wikileaks publisher
  • Wikileaks rapist
  • Wikileaks intelligence soldier
  • Terrorism, terrorists and terror targeting

These headlines prevent the American people from relevant information. Behind the "Zion Curtain" of staged media is a sinister subversion of their lives and liberties. What I extract from my unit's cyber-reconnaisance agrees with you.

Yesterday Abu Salem sofyan wrote

Djazak Allah kheyr (May God reward you in goodness) Eric

There are two ways the Israelis can start the war at the worlwide level, as you mentioned it in your report:

The first way is to detonate a dirty bomb over here in the EU or over there in the US. Maybe pro-Israeli Iranians will help in a nuke strike as you described it. So might the Russian and Eastern European mafia, based in London, Berlin and the south of France. They are heavily involved in the black market of fissile material.

The second way is to create chos in the eastern part of Saudi Arabia (Dharhan) where Saudis and Israelis are opening a front of Shia against Sunni. Afterward, manufacture a provocation against the US forces in Bahrain, Qatar or the UAE.

Wa Allah swt 'alam (God knows Best). Hayakum Allah.

+ + + + + + +

An Epilogue for Major Fox

Sir, You have been lavish in your efforts on behalf of Ghost Troop this year, and I end this article with compliments for the USMC, which stands tall in you. Knowing your great love for poetry, I offer you this for your collection:

A Dedication to Diana Luna

As I looked out from the balcony
The blue moon rose up high,
Triumphant and bewitching, she,
And softer than a sigh.

Veiled in thinnest gossamer,
She smiled and pierced the mist,
She lit the stealthy murderer,
  Lit lovers in their tryst.

She lit upon the sleeping child
And the child who did not sleep,
The one whose dreams were sweet and mild,
The one who rose to weep.

When she had seen all grief and mirth
She left and took her light,
   Abandoning the desert earth
  To endless, empty night.

Ft. Huachucha, Arizona
Summer, 1985

+ + + + + + +

 Captain Eric H. May, a disabled veteran, is a former U.S. Army military intelligence officer and Desert Storm volunteer. A former NBC editorial writer, his essays have been published worldwide, from The Wall Street Journal to Military Intelligence Magazine.



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