Saturday, May 28, 2011

Fwd: Fw: Stinking Jew HasbaRATS Won't Sink Me!

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From: William Gladys <>
Date: Sat, May 28, 2011 at 4:32 PM
Subject: Fw: Stinking Jew HasbaRATS Won't Sink Me!

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From: KarimAG
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2011 6:50 AM
Subject: Stinking Jew HasbaRATS Won't Sink Me!



Stinking Jew HasbaRATS Won't Sink Me!

Posted on May 27, 2011 by INCOG MAN




OK, LET'S GET something real straight right the hell now. This is my site and I'll say who I want to SPAMblinka or not.

But first, let me define what I call "hasbaRATS." Hasbara is an over-all term for Jewish group efforts to screw up their enemies (which is anyone not Jewish). They stole the name from the Israelite spies in the Old Testament. These spies were sent by Joshua into places like Jericho to open the gates in the dark of the night; allowing the rest to sneak in, slay all the non-Hebrew inhabitants, cattle, pets and anything else they could gut open with bronze age swords. After the orgy of mass killing, they divided up the loot among each other, with the hottest looking virgins going to the Levite priesthood.

Modern day Khazars, who claim to be the same ancient Israelites (what a sorry laugh), think they are doing the "Tribe" heroic service by messing with the Goyim's heads and even our politics, by flooding polls and chatrooms with pro-Israel crap. They actually have tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) on Megaphone software, where they get the cue to go into action against something that might pose a threat to the arrogant, self-elected "Chosen Ones," or International Jew money, 9/11 Truth and that lousy, devious country of Israel.Description:

It's a vast Internet network of PR agents for Israel, "Never Again" JDL psychos and devious little teenager brats — every single one a Zionist Khazar Jew (it's doubtful there's any multicult, liberal Whites in their organizations). Virtually all Americans don't have a clue to what's going on behind the scenes.

Some of them obviously do a little free lance work for giggles on sites like mine. The most common tactic is to first mimic Whites on a particular site and then twist things around, sparking fights among us. By sowing doubt and confusion, they can wreak havoc. Apparently, this gives these rats a major league Jew thrill.


Now, let's get something else straight: I could very easily just turn off commenting altogether. Plenty of other White sites take that approach, pretty much because of the Jew hasbaRATS. Oh sure, probably some commenters are deluded White multicults, doing the Jew job for them, but I can guarantee you the most PC crap is from some stinking little Jew rat — like the guy in the picture above.

Some people coming here took great offense at a commenter named Julian Lee, when he brought up some Gay stuff about Adolph Hitler. I don't know anything about Hitler being a fag and frankly, it's not high on my priority list. Hitler and the Nazis were ages ago and the Jews have pretty much destroyed their image with the masses through continous non-stop propaganda.

I have nothing to do with it! But in fact, doing the Nazi thing is enough to make Whites tune you out entirely. That's just the way it is, regardless of how much you dig the Fuehrer man.

What do you care about more: Something that happened long ago, or awakening Whites to the real deal, here and now?

I know for a fact that Julian Lee means well, or tries to mean well. And I know he's a White guy, seriously concerned with White people and our rapidly sinking morality. If you got a problem with his views on Hitler, take it up with his ass, not mine.

I stand with Julian Lee whether you like him or not. That's all there is to it.

OK, I'm glad I got that over with. The hasbaRATs will pick up on stuff like this and egg on Whites who get torqued up on that Nazi business. He'll pretend to ally himself to the antagonist or protagonist, just to get both of them at each other's throats.

That's the Jew! Hell, they do this on a macro level with entire countries and religions, like us against the Muslims. They've been doing this for centuries in Europe so they could bankroll the armies and rake in the dough. Where do you think the "Military/Industrial complex" got it's start?


Let me tell you something that seriously pissed me off. A severe weather system knocked out my electricity and my Internet service provider for a time. When I got my gas powered generator up and running, I managed to come on here, saw a bunch of crap going on about Julian and some hasbaRAT nonsense about me being secret Jew operation, or I was taken over by the Jews.

A commentator named "Flanders" appeared to listen to this total crap and expressed doubt since I hadn't logged on to Vodpod in a long time and asked me to prove who I was by uploading a new video to Vodpod.

He said it like I was in cahoots with Jewy techs at Vodpod. Hell, I got ZILCH to do with anyone there! I've been censored and my accounts trashed all over the place, what difference does it make that I happen to have been left the hell alone somewhere? And he thinks I got all GD day to be on the Internet and spend time where he does? Please.

My generator was having fuel line problems (the screw and spring dohicky) and kept dropping power. I finally logged on to Vodpod, typed a fast note to Flanders in my bio section before the power dropped out again. When I got it fixed and going again, sweating like a pig (it was hot outside) I quickly uploaded a new video. But that wasn't enough for the guy!

Far as I'm concerned Mr. Flanders, you can kiss my White ass! DO NOT COMMENT HERE AGAIN. And that goes for HOFF, BAILEY and BIKER, too.

Hoff ran a post on his blog about all this, making it like the place was going to hell simply because of Julian. Bailey got all ticked because some of his comments were picked up by my filters and sent into the moderation que during the power situation (the guy might be hasbaRAT) and Biker (who I'm sure is White) just today came here and said he wasn't coming back, and tried to say a bunch of others – whom he has no business speaking for — are doing the same.

If you people didn't like one of those who come here and comment, that's tough. I'm not going to delete people just because you tell me to. I delete (or SPAMblinka) who I want and when I want. You got that?

Personally, I don't have to allow anyone to comment here at all. It's not a "forum" or a "messageboard" but more of a blog where I decide what article goes up. And yes, I'm the exact same guy (singular) who started this over on WordPress before they closed my blog. You can go over on the left and open up old crap, run it through AI writer's style software and have it tell you it's the same guy.

Speaking of old posts here, you can go back and read what I've said 4 years ago and compare with today. Same message.

And all you idiots who believe the obvious line of hasbaRAT bull saying "I've been killed or captured and someone else took over here" are unbelievably stupid as hell.

Let me reiterate for umpteenth time: I write everything here at INCOG MAN to awaken fellow White Americans who may not have connected the dots on the Jew thing. And I'm sure I have been successful in changing the thinking of quite a few Whites out there. Don't know how many, but I think it's more than most of those people who unjustly gave me living hell lately.

So, I could close my site tomorrow and not give a flying F. But I won't, because I will not let the lousy Jews get one over on me. I will not stop until my Right to Free Speech is stolen and then I'll take my act on the road.



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