Dr. Shambhu Katel <shambhu.katel@gmail.com> wrote;
Thanks for urging for a scientific culture, Asha Lal ji.
On Sat, Apr 18, 2015 at 5:44 PM, Asha Lal Tamang <dyaltmg@gmail.com> wrote:
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNI see some people are advocating for ex-Prime Minister Marich Man not because he did good things but because he did not get state honor as ex-Prime Minister Sur Bahadur received. I am not in favor of either, nor am I against them. However, I would praise if these advocates were arguing based on research i.e. with evidence (e.g. publish a paper or a book or archive other information using today's technology) so that we and our future generation can learn scientifically. Otherwise, we are simply spoiling our time due to some people's irrelevant emotions in the current context. I would advise, "DON'T BE JEALOUS"! I apologize if I hurt anyone because I do not intend it.Regards,ALT
On Sat, Apr 18, 2015 at 6:35 AM, The Himalayan Voice <himalayanvoice@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Shresthaji,
Thank you very much for sharing your assessment of late PM March Man Shrestha. He stood for nation and nationalism - I believe but in the 21st century, whether one should only talk of nationalism not globalism ? I think he was the prime minister then and King Birendra had rejected a proposal from India.
And, IS CHINA THE BIGGEST THREAT TO WORLD SECURITY ? This is what Harsh V. Pant, professor of international relations at King's, believes.August 5, 2013--
The Himalayan Voice
Cambridge, MassachusettsUnited States of America
Skype: thehimalayanvoice[THE HIMALAYAN VOICE does not endorse the opinions of the author or any opinions expressed on its pages. Articles and comments can be emailed to: himalayanvoice@gmail.com, © Copyright The Himalayan Voice 2015]
On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 7:49 AM, Bihari Krishna Shrestha <biharishrestha@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Himalayan Voice,Thank you for reproducing Anushil Shrestha's quote regarding the discriminatory funeral meted out to ex-PM Marichman Singh Shrestha. Having had the opportunity to work under many PMs during my career as a civil servant, I am in a position to state that Late Marichman Shrestha made one of the finest PMs the coutnry had ever had historically. He was abudantly equipped with four citical virtues as a political leader: He had vision, had a high degree of intellect, was daring in his decisions, and above all, also happened to be a man of sterling integrity. Normally, a person like him can only count on history to recognise him, particulalry in a decadent society that Nepal has been reduced to in recent decades.
Bihari Krishna Shrestha
On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 3:18 PM, The Himalayan Voice <himalayanvoice@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Dr. Karki,
One of the ways would be how President Obama did it in 2008 and which his people are doing even today also.The Himalayan Voice receives emails almost everyday from the President himself, sometimes from Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton etc. also. Those emails are sent not actually by them but by a team that works for reaching out people at the grassroots. For that matter there must be a team and an internet domain name as well.By the way, Anushil Shrestha posted this in his Facebook wall: "पूर्वप्रधानमन्त्री भएकाले सूर्यबहादुर थापालाई राष्ट्रले सम्मान दिएको हो भने सरकार र नेताहरुलाई सोध्न मन लाग्यो हिजो मरिचमान सिंहको निधन हुँदा यो नियम कता थियो ? कि उनी यो देशको पूर्वप्रधानमन्त्री थिएनन् !? आफ्नो कार्यकालमा कसले के गर्यो ? त्यसको हिसाब ईतिहासले राखेकै छ। देशको पूर्वप्रधानमन्त्रीका रुपमा सरकारले थापालाई राष्ट्रिय सम्मान दिएकोमा मेरो विरोध र आपती हैन तर गणतन्त्रमा यो विभेद किन ?!! —feeling confused."
Why such a discrimination ? The questions above are all very valid, aren't they?Thank you,
--The Himalayan Voice
Cambridge, MassachusettsUnited States of America
Skype: thehimalayanvoice[THE HIMALAYAN VOICE does not endorse the opinions of the author or any opinions expressed on its pages. Articles and comments can be emailed to: himalayanvoice@gmail.com, © Copyright The Himalayan Voice 2015]
On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 8:07 PM, Tej Kumar Karki <tejkarki@gmail.com> wrote:
DEAR ALL,Is there any way we can send our message across to thousands of Nepalese through emails.Because this list serve helps reach out only 497 people (although this list-serve is very useful in many ways)Or, is there any other internet tools that can help do this.Twitter---------only those ('VIPS') who are followed by thousands have the privilege to reach outAn ordinary person in twitter cannot reach out like the VIPs.Face-books----I see it more of a tool of showing faces and statusMay know which is the best tool to reach out.Look forward to hear.Thanks

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