Saturday, May 2, 2015

Arvind & Mamata DESTROY Modi's Credibility!

Arvind & Mamata DESTROY Modi's Credibility!
Ashok T Jaisinghani <>

   Due to OVER-EXPOSURE on DOORDARSHAN and other TV channels, besides the radio, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has lost his CHARISMA. The people do NOT BELIEVE any more in his BIG PROMISES, which they have realized the BJP Government CANNOT KEEP.  

   Narendra Modi has become a BIG BORE due to OVER-EXPOSURE!! The BJP have lost the Delhi Assembly and the West Bengal Municipal elections, as the COMMON PEOPLE DON'T BELIEVE in Narendra Modi's big BOGUS PROMISES any longer!!

   OVER-CONFIDENCE & SELF-GLORIFICATION are the TRAITS of Narendra Modi, which are based on his IMAGINARY ABILITIES and BOGUS ACHIEVEMENTS. Super-inflated EGO BALLOON of Narendra Modi has got BURST due to the MASSIVE DEFEAT of the BJP by Arvind Kejriwal's Aam Aadmi Party in the Delhi Assembly and Mamata Banerjee's Trinamool Congress in the West Begal Municipal elections.  

 *****Narendra Modi's BOGUS PROMISES of fighting CORRUPTION, FRAUD, CRIME and INFLATION have been TOTALLY EXPOSED by his EXTREMELY CLOSE FRIENDSHIP with Sharad Pawar, whose party he had himself described as the Naturally Corrupt Party!! He has now even OPENLY ADMITTED his SECRET that the CORRUPT Sharad Pawar has been his GREAT ADVISER!!*****

 *****As a ROCKSTAR who wore a VERY COSTLY DRESS, which was sold for more than Rs4 crore, Narendra Modi CANNOT be a friend of the POOR PEOPLE. He will ALWAYS be SEEN as ANTI-POOR by the COMMON PEOPLE! He is ONLY a FRIEND of RICH businessmen and industrialists. POOR PEOPLE can NEVER TRUST Narendra Modi any more!*****

   Narendra Modi's CLOSE FRIENDSHIP with CORRUPT politicians and businessmen, and his INTENTIONS of FORGETTING his PROMISES to the COMMON PEOPLE, makes it CERTAIN that he will just be a ONE-TERM Prime Minister of India. 

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