Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 27 Sep - Historical Reasons Against UID//Aadhar Project

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 3:00 AM
Subject: CC Issue 27 Sep - Historical Reasons Against UID//Aadhar Project

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Press Release

Action Alert

Historical Reasons Against UID//Aadhar Project
By Gopal Krishna & Prakash Ray

UID/Aadhar project gives a sense of déjà vu. It is the same path which IBM (International Business Machines) traversed with the Nazi Germany for targeted asset confiscation, ghettoisation, deportation, and ultimately extermination with its punch card and card sorting system

The President And I
By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

An exclusive interview with President Ahmadinejad

Obama Speaks At The UN… Goodbye To Peace
By Alan Hart

On marks out of ten for his speech to the UN on the subject of ending the conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel, I'd give President Obama minus five

Retribution For A World Lost In Screens
By Chris Hedges

Nemesis, related to the Greek word némein, means "to give what is due." Our nemesis fast approaches. We will get what we are due. The staggering myopia of our corrupt political and economic elite, which plunder the nation's wealth for financial speculation and endless war, the mass retreat of citizens into virtual hallucinations, the collapsing edifices around us, which include the ecosystem that sustains life, are ignored for a giddy self-worship. We stare into electronic screens just as Narcissus, besotted with his own reflection, stared into a pool of water until he wasted away and died

The Collapse Of Western Morality
By Paul Craig Roberts

Yes, I know, as many readers will be quick to inform me, the West never had any morality. Nevertheless things have gotten worse

Could Peak Oil Save The Human Species?
By Kurt Cobb

The discovery of a miraculous, cheap, easily scalable new energy source would probably allow our current arrangements to persist for a while longer. But such a development would be a death sentence for the human race since it would lead to the total destruction of the life support systems we rely on, systems which are only seriously crippled now. It would result in further population overshoot, resource depletion including that of soil and water, and further destruction of species we rely on for our well-being

We Need Millennium Development RIGHTS,
Not Just Goals
By Phyllis Bennis

Millennium Development Rights would transform the global struggle against poverty and provide accountability for governments, corporations, and others who deny those rights

Public Mobilization For A Nuclear-Free World
By Lawrence S. Wittner

One of the ironies of the current international situation is that, although some government leaders now talk of building a nuclear weapons-free world, there has been limited public mobilization around that goal — at least compared to the action-packed 1980s

Gutter Science: Inter-Academy
Report On GM Crops
By Devinder Sharma

I still can't overcome my disbelief. Such 'distinguished' scientific bodies, and such a shoddy report. I have always said there is good science, there is bad science but this report transgresses all earlier known brackets, and I have no hesitation in saying that the Inter-Academy Report on GM cropsdoes not even qualify to be put in the category of bad science. It is Gutter Science

18 US Drone Attacks Launched This Month:
North Waziristan Residents Live In Constant Fear
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

A rare interview of a close relative of a recent US drone attack victim in North Waziristan provides some insight into the havoc created by the widespread and indiscriminate attacks that have claimed hundreds of innocent lives. This year 72 drone attacks have been launched. The latest attack was launched on Saturday (Sept. 25) killing at least seven people

US-Saudi Arms' Deal: Military Keynisianism, Externalized
By Dr. Peter Custers

The first Gulf war, i.e. the prolonged trench warfare between Iran and Iraq fought in the eighties, was fuelled via Western arms' sales to both warring parties. Would Middle Eastern observers be wrong in suspecting that, given its utter dependence on domestic plus 'externalized' military keynesianism, - the US has an intrinsic interest in continued instability? If not in the outbreak of another war in their region, this time round between Saudi Arabia and Iran?

The Truth Will Set U.S. Free: Breaking Israel 's
Stranglehold Over American Foreign Policy
By Maidhc Ó Cathail

Experts speak about the Israel lobby's stranglehold over American foreign policy

Will The UN General Assembly Session
Provide Fundamental Change?
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui

The 65th annual General Assembly started formally on Thursday, September 23, with dozens of presidents, kings and ministers expected to address the gathering over the next few days. The speeches often fail to break new ground, so the infrequent theatrics predictably attract considerable attention

The Stink Of Savanur
By Anand Teltumbde

On 20 July 2010, some manual scavengers of Savanur, a small town in Haveri district of north Karnataka performed a novel act in protest against their helplessness. They smeared themselves with human excreta in public before the municipal council office. The stink of it strangely attracted many, including Pramod Muthalik of the notorious Sriram Sene, the militant Hindutva outfit to the Bhangi Colony and thrown up numerous issues of consequence

Engels : The Force Theory of Herr Eugen Dühring
By Thomas Riggins

An analysis of Engels' critique of Herr Eugen Dühring's "Political Economy"

Reaction To Aafia Siddiqui's Sentencing
By Stephen Lendman

An innocent woman brutalized and condemned to spend the rest of her life in maximum security confinement, meant for America's "worst of the worst" criminals. The facilities are extremely harsh. They crush the human spirit, body and mind, in Aafia's case even more than already after seven and a half brutalizing years. More is now planned for the rest of her life unless world outrage saves her, no easy task given the Obama administration's contempt for the rule of law, human rights and justice, as roguish as Bush officials. That alone should incite everyone's moral outrage. Aafia's case adds an exclamation point!

On DADT Repeal, Two Steps Forward,
Two or Three Steps Back
By Mary Shaw

There have been some interesting developments lately for gay men and lesbians who bravely want to serve this nation in the military. Sadly, some of the developments were not encouraging

In The Killing Fields Of Kashmir
(aka paradise on earth)
By Ather Zia

A young Kashmiri returns to the killing fields of Srinagar

Kashmir's Stone Pelter: Answers To Questions
From Someone Called The Sovereign
By Ather Zia

This young pelter's stone is lying by the pavement, he used it, he may or may not pick it up again, depends how you corner him this time. But one thing is as clear as the day which is frozen under curfew in the valley that he will invoke law as an ideal of justice, however elusive. You may mediate its language but you cannot override it

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Palash Biswas
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