Monday, September 27, 2010

Fwd: [indiathinkersnet] 'Akhand Bharat' is reduced to a farce

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From: Xavier William <>
Date: Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 7:49 AM
Subject: Re: [indiathinkersnet] 'Akhand Bharat' is reduced to a farce

Well said Gupta. I thought I was alone in promoting decentralization, Kashmir autonomy. It seems we are on the same wavelength in these considerations

On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 12:28 AM, Prof R K Gupta-India <> wrote:

The concept of Akhand Bharat in short means hegemony of Delhi over the Indian territory which means dynasty rule of one Nehru family.At least to congress this is the only meaning of united India.

It is not possible to rule and keep united 120 crore people with hundreds of languages and several races and cultures unless there is honest and competent governance in country with strong values of freedom and dignity expressed by socialist welfare state and quick,cheap and fast judiciary and an Indian identity.

The Entire governing team including judges,lawyers, politicians,police and babudom are rampantly corrupt,shameless, inefficient and almost like traitors.

In such a situation it is no surprise separatist demands are every where.Telengana,whole north east,Kashmir and many other pockets in India.In any case India has added so many more states after 1947.

India is a failed and fraud democracy as on date.Political fraud,judicial fraud, election frauid,financial fraud....the list is endless.

See how shamelessly and in idiotic way MM Singh government is managing country with rampant price rise and loot and plunder.

So it is futile to think of great bharat concept.

I dont see any reason for army to keep moving in streets of Kashmir.They can remain at borders to seal them.What J&K police is doing .It is their job to maintain law and order.

Army should be removed.Kashmir is epitome of corruption where politicians ,babus and extremists all are making huge money and enjoying luxury and sleaze.No one wants peace there.

How you can expect people of such territory agreeing to be part of country specially when this is already in dispute and constitution has provision to recognise such distinction of kashmir.

The Babri dispute is creation of all political parties mainly congress and BJP.Is it necessary to get into power by compromising ethics and national interest?

*[Can't political parties have a common ethics charter where they will refuse any favors to any one on certain points of governance.Let people go and vote any one they like.If this simple thing happens, within no time politics will get cleand up and unrest in country go down.]*

India needs a loose federal structure without any Delhi seat of power.The union can have currency,defense,and naturalisation in it's command with central office in Delhi.States should otherwise be autonomous.First Nehru and then India usurped the decentralisation of states.

Why India is pumping so much money in Kashmir? It wont make any difference.Unless people of Kashmir see virtue in remaining a part of India a good and well governed democratic country, they will have other plans.

We must earn respect and appreciation of various states and not impose India on everybody which means imposing Nehru-Gandhi( what gandhi?) dynasty.

Indians incidentally have no good relations with any neighbor from china to Bhutan to Srilanka.Why.we should think and introspect.We can't handle commonwealth games and we have eaten up 30,000 crores in name of games.

As a citizen what do I see in Delhi or India? A corrupt country, mismanaged,violating human and civil rights daily, rampantly corrupt and non delivering judiciary,corrupt and unaccountable police ,corrupt babudom, soaring prices,unemployment and filthy surroundings.

Is this India I would like to be part of? Every one should ask this question to herself or himself and find actions required and answers.India should get rid of queen system,British policies and this pseudo gandhi dynasty otherwise in coming days it would be more difficult to keep India together.It is huge population and 50% is starving and opressed.

We must come out of our self imposed mindset and complescence that every thing is fine.Nothing is fine.

Is not it absurd that India having second largest muslim popualation in world, still Kashmiris dont want to be part of it and Indian muslims lack emotional bonding with their own country where they are born and work.Why? Why indian governments are not willing to accomodate distinct features of islamic psychology and practices? YOu cant wish away 22 crore muslims anyway.

Indian governments one after other faltered and could never use its people as strength and could never communicate this fact that India has so large muslim population and use it to our advantage.

Prof R K Gupta


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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