Thursday, December 2, 2010


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From: Kevin Cain <>
Date: Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 3:03 PM




19 November 2010 17: 28


     In accordance with the decision of the Belarusian Parliament, on 19 December 2010 there will be presidential elections. For already 16 years, Alexander Lukashenko has been President of Belarus, who won the presidential elections in 1994, 2001 and 2006. Restrictions previously written in the Belarusian Constitution, in article 81 which was written: "the same person cannot be President for no more than two terms, was excluded from it after a Republican referendum in 2004, which the pro-Western opposition is still challenging.

    The current election is taking place in a difficult political and economic environment: the bourgeois Republic of Belarus which was formed as a result of the counter-revolutionary coup of 1991, when the great power - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was destroyed, like many other bourgeois countries, are making desperate attempts to cope with the impact of economic crisis affecting the capitalist world.  Many working people of the former USSR during the years of bourgeois reformation on their own experience has felt that there is no alternative to socialism, and that only the restoration of socialism will allow them to forget about crises and to look to the future.

    The bourgeois power has called on all citizens of Belarus to participate in presidential elections, and that is echoed by the absolute majority of the Belarusian parties including the leftist parties which instil into working peoples; minds the thought that elections can change their lives for the better.

    The position of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks is unchangeable: you will not wrest power from the bourgeoisie by ballot papers. Never in history has there been a case that the bourgeoisie have voluntarily given up power and their plundered wealth and handed over to the working people. This is impossible. The true president in a bourgeois state is capital which employs the power it needs. And whoever wins this election campaign under the rule of the bourgeoisie, in any country, including in Belarus (Ivanov, Petrov or Sidorov), the capitalist political system pages will remain unchanged. This is confirmed not only by entire preceding world history, but by the 19-year-old history of the republics of the former Soviet Union. Only the names and elements of state policy change, but the capitalist framework of the state is private ownership of means of production, the capitalist market and dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, perhaps even in the form of bourgeois democracy are all preserved.

    This experience and that of other countries once again convinces working people that despite any result of elections, the main contradictions of capitalism remain – i.e. the conflict between the social and private capitalist forms of appropriation of the results of social labour.  And from there follow the defects of capitalism: the ever increasing income disparities between the exploiting and exploited majority by the minority, the impoverishment of the workers and their uncertainties about the future because of the constant threat of unemployment and social exclusion.  For example, the contractual employment system has transformed Belarusian workers into absolutely powerless slaves.

    Modern practice of political struggle really illustrates the prophetic words of Lenin: "… The proletariat cannot win without winning over to its side the majority of the population. But to restrict or make this winning over by gaining the majority of votes cast at elections under the rule of the bourgeoisie is inadmissible narrow-mindedness or simply just a sell off of the working people" (Works vol. 40, p.14).

    As a consistent supporter of Marx-Engels-Lenin, Stalin, the AUCPB unlike other so-called communist parties since its formation defends the revolutionary form of struggle against capital. The Bolsheviks of Belarus during all the years of bourgeois restoration are true to this line and declare: the power of the bourgeoisie can be smashed only by the revolutionary way, by a socialist revolution.  In addition, the Bolsheviks, as the most consistent conductors of Communist ideology, have always opposed and to this day oppose presidential forms of power – the bourgeois institute of power and believe that the best president for working people is Soviet power – the dictatorship of the proletariat in alliance with the peasantry and intellectuals, and must be fought for. Therefore, any election in the bourgeois system of power should be treated as another removal of working people away from the class struggle, another campaign of stupefying by capital of the masses of people in order to prolong its existence.

    In the framework of this campaign, the Belarusian state media are constantly trying to convince the public both inside and outside the republic that our economy is at the service of working people, ordinary people. It is emphasized that in Belarus a significant portion of the property is in the hands of the State and not stolen by oligarchs, like Russian oligarchs have done. However, according to the Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Belarus 62.7% of industrial production in the Republic is in private enterprises, including those with foreign capital participation.  And this percentage from year to year is constantly growing, that is, everything is going according to Lenin: private ownership every minute and every second produces more private ownership. In addition, in some industries this percentage is even higher: fuel 94.4% light industry -80.8 food industry 79.9%, building material industry - 63.4%. It is particularly important to point out that trade in the Republic is also concentrated mainly in private hands: 81.9% of retail turnover is accounted for by private sale. Belarus now has all the components of the capitalist market: the market for capital goods, means of production, capital and securities markets, the labour market and the market for personal consumption. With regard to state enterprises, they have long been operating under the laws of the capitalist market and participate in business on an equal footing with private enterprises, i.e. they constitute state capitalist property. A similar situation in agriculture.

    As we see from above, our Republic of Belarus is just another bourgeois state, headed by a bourgeois president. The current type of economic relations in Belarus has been promoted by the Belarusian authorities as a special "Belarusian model" of economy, but from a Marxist-Leninist perspective, this model is nothing new and has been described as state capitalism, which every year is increasingly approaching the normal form of capitalism with the predominance of private property. The so-called "Belarusian miracle" does not exist. Although the Belarusian economic indicators are among the highest on the territory of the former USSR, Soviet type growth is simply unattainable.  The true miracle (entitled "Russian miracle") was to the world, the Soviet Socialist economy under Stalin, its growth is still unbeatable: the growth of capitalist Japan (called in the 1970s, the "Japanese miracle ") and the capitalized economy of modern China is 2.5 times lower than the Stalin economy. Besides, newest history knows that: the successes of bourgeois economy are temporary in nature, with a surge in growth, even relatively long, as a rule, followed by decline.

    On 17 September at a meeting of the Central Election Committee, the decision was adopted on the registering of 17 initiative groups of voters for nomination of candidates for presidency in Belarus.

    The balance of political forces in Belarus is determined in accordance with the economic interests of different groups and sectors of Belarusian society. Recent electoral fighting in Belarus is undertaken among political trends of two main directions. Some defend the interests of the national bourgeois – these are the parties and politicians orientating themselves towards the current power, including the Communist Party of Belarus (KPB leader T. Golubev), and the others towards the interests of the treacherous sellout compradors, parties and politicians orientated  towards the West, politicians of nationalist tendency.  The interests of the workers, peasants and working intelligentsia are not defended by any of the political groups or politicians involved in elections, since under the rule of the bourgeoisie, it is not possible to do this by parliamentary methods.

    The national bourgeoisie profited primarily through the development of its own production, with current president A. Lukashenka representing its interests in Belarus. His administration is placing the main stakes on the capitalist integration with Russia, thus ensuring the free movement of capital, labour, goods, services, forming new financial and industrial groups, increasing sales and reviving national industry and thus the increase in profits - the ultimate goal of any of capitalist production.  However, if in more recent past, a significant part of our economy was focused on Russia, then currently as a result of pushing Belarus by the Kremlin comprador leadership out of the Russian market, the Belarusian economy is becoming more "multi-vectored" in nature.  The West did not fail to take advantage of the situation, and rejected the politics of confrontation with Belarus, has begun to gradually draw it within the sphere of its own influence, still making the strategic aim of isolating the former Soviet republics of Russia and to prevent the formation of some kind of a union alliance in the former Soviet Union.

    The comprador bourgeoisie, making their profits from the sale of imported products, attracting foreign capital to the country and exploiting its own working people, in policy is placing bets on the openly pro-Western most reactionary forces, who, under slogans of bourgeois nationalism, are inherently anti-national collaborators. To them belong the nationalist party types Partiya BNF (Belarusian Popular Front), UCP (United Civil Party of Belarus) , BSDP (Belarusian Social Democratic Party ("Narodnay Hramada" - Assembly)), BCD (Belarusian Christian Democracy), and others. The majority of them joined in the so-called United Democratic Forces of Belarus (UDF), but in this election campaign, the parties of the UDF, unlike in the past were not able to agree and to propose a single candidate. Therefore, the candidates from the comprador bourgeoisie are meanwhile involved in the current election themselves, each on its own.  The Belarusian party of the left "fair world" (former leader of the Party of Communists Belarus, S. Kalyakin) is also participating actively in the UDF, but this time has not nominated his own representative to the presidential candidates.

    New in this election campaign is that the current head of the Belarusian State and his administration are now exposed to pressure not only from the West, but also from the East, from Federal Russia, as evidenced by the mass of unfriendly expressions of its leadership.  It has reached the point where the Kremlin is giving honorary reception to Belarusian oppositionists, who are always configured as pro-Western and unfriendly to Russia, and they have been given them the opportunity to speak in Russian media. However, the rating of the current President of the Republic is so high that this campaign does not have such an activity pro-Western opposition like in the presidential campaign of 2001 and 2006. Of course, the credibility of the bourgeois power was created with the help of administrative resources: The Belarusian state-run media from morning to night broadcast about the socially oriented economy of bourgeois Republic of Belarus without talking about the constantly growing prices even for basic necessities, expensive food, pharmaceuticals, utilities, transportation, and moving health and education more onto a fee-paying basis. These "achievements" are implicitly reflected in the following fact: during bourgeois construction, the  population of Belarus was reduced from 10 million 210 thousand people in 1994 to 9 million 671.9 thousand  people in 2008.

    From the above said, the Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks for Belarus and Kaliningrad has decided not to participate in the elections for President of the Republic of Belarus, which are inherently ELECTIONS WITHOUT A CHOICE.

    During the election campaign, party organizations of the AUCPB in Belarus are to carry out the following tasks:

1. Explain to the citizens of Belarus, the Bolshevik position on the presidential elections at this stage. We need to use the election campaign to promote the position of the party on matters of governance and class struggle, to publicize the Bolshevik revolutionary ideas on the need to overthrow the capitalist system with the aim of restoring Soviet power, socialism and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and to expose the Presidency as a bourgeois anti-national institution, as well as myths about the possibility of electing a President of the "good", to improve the lives of working people.

2. Every communist-Bolshevik has been entasked to distribute the Bolshevik press in Belarus, making full use of every opportunity to take part in pre-election assemblies, pickets, rallies.

3. Note that active Bolshevik work among the masses during the election campaign must form "roadmaps" to subsequent elections, dispelling illusions of workers about improving their lives within the capitalist system. In addition, the campaign should be used to gain experience in political work, to strengthen the ranks and raise the profile of the Bolshevik organizations among workers, peasants and intellectuals.

4. In the case of a second round of presidential elections and the emergence of a real risk of a pro-Western candidate winning, we must also carry out the most active agitation "AGAINST" him  using the afore-mentioned tactic.

5. Continue the policy of unity of actions of all leftist forces on the forming of an Anti-imperialist and anti-fascist front of working people of Belarus.

   We, Bolsheviks, are confident that only the class war led right up to the dictatorship of the proletariat will enable workers to cast off the shackles of slavery of capitalism and open them the road to a better future – one of socialism and communism. Our Stalingrad is yet to come!

Our cause is just, victory will be ours!

Minsk, 14 October 2010



Palash Biswas
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