Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue Dec 01- Will Irom Sharmila Meet Her Mother?

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 12:51 AM
Subject: CC Issue Dec 01- Will Irom Sharmila Meet Her Mother?

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Sri Lanka Execution Video: New War Crimes Claims
By Channel 4 News

Channel 4 News reveals new footage of the alleged massacre of Tamil prisoners which promoted a UN investigation last year, as the Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapakse arrives in London

Will Irom Sharmila Meet Her Mother?
By K.P. Sasi

Sakhi Devi never visited Sharmila after the fast. There was a deep fear that her emotions after seeing the daughter would break Sharmila's determination. As per the words of Sakhi Devi `I am weak hearted. If I see her, I will cry. I do not want to erode her determination, so I have resolved not to meet Sharmila till she reaches her goal'. A long period of ten years have passed. The question before us today is: `Will Sakhi Devi meet her daughter?'

The Warming Of Antarctica: A Citadel Of Ice
Begins To Melt
By Fen Montaigne

The fringes of the coldest continent are starting to feel the heat, with the northern Antarctic Peninsula warming faster than virtually any place on Earth. These rapidly rising temperatures represent the first breach in the enormous frozen dome that holds 90 percent of the world's ice

My Journey Into Kivalina v. ExxonMobil et al.
By Christine Shearer

In 2008, a small Inupiat village in Alaska sued ExxonMobil and 23 other fossil fuel companies including Peabody Energy and BP for contributing to the destruction of their homeland, and charged a smaller subset with deliberately creating a false debate around climate change science. You might have heard of the lawsuit—Kivalina v. ExxonMobil et al. The suit was framed by some as a David and Goliath story, with people wondering if it would be the first successful climate change claim

Mother Nature Is Not Fooled By Euphemisms
By Tim Murray

We can't fool Mother Nature at any time. She's not fooled by trendy green euphemisms or oxymorons. Call it economic development or sustainable development, but she has only one word for it---growth. All human activity is subject to her objective measure, and it will be registered as having an impact

Climate Realism: Too Late For What?
By Eban Goodstein

In our lifetimes, it will never be too late to fight global warming. Every degree will matter. Over the coming years and decades, there will be no better fight, no victory that will more enrich the lives of countless human generations to follow, than to stabilize the climate

Interpol Issues Wanted Notice For Julian Assange
By Jerome Taylor

Interpol has issued a wanted notice for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, heightening the Australian's status as a virtual refugee. The "Red Notice", circulated to the International Criminal Police Organisation's 188 members, concerns the warrant issued by police in Sweden in connection with a sex crime investigation in Sweden, and instructs anyone with any information to "contact local or national police"

Obama Administration Seeks To Criminalize WikiLeaks
By Patrick Martin

Top officials of the Obama administration have threatened criminal prosecution of WikiLeaks for its latest release of secret US diplomatic documents. Attorney General Eric Holder, at a press conference Monday, declared, "There's a predicate for us to believe that crimes have been committed here and we are in the process of investigating those crimes."

Australian Government Joins Persecution Of
WikiLeaks' Julian Assange
By James Cogan

The Australian Labor government has joined with the Obama administration in its attempt to manufacture criminal charges against Julian Assange, an Australian citizen and the editor of WikiLeaks

"We Have Not Seen Anything Yet"
By David Leigh & Amy Goodman

Guardian Editor Says Most Startling WikiLeaks Cables Still To Be Released

WikiLeaks Cables Reveal "Profound
Hatred For Democracy On The Part Of
Our Political Leadership"
By Noam Chomsky & Amy Goodman

A Democracy Now! interview with Noam Chomsky

Why Wikileaks Is Good For Democracy
By Bill Quigley

The US has been going in the wrong direction for years by classifying millions of documents as secrets. Wikileaks and other media which report these so called secrets will embarrass people yes. Wikileaks and other media will make leaders uncomfortable yes. But embarrassment and discomfort are small prices to pay for a healthier democracy. Wikileaks has the potential to make transparency and accountability more robust in the US. That is good for democracy

Assange Is Headed For Prosecution
For Publishing The Truth About U.S
By Sherwood Ross

Assange may or may not have raped a couple of Swedish ladies, as that spineless government suddenly needs to know, but there is no question he has disrobed the Statue of Liberty and shown all the world the whore she has become

Choice Of Wars
By Dave Lannen

When this "war on terror" started, my oldest son was seven. Today he turns 17 and eligible to enlist in the military with his choice of wars - his father's (Iraq & Afghanistan) or his grandfather's (ROK) (PDF)

Letter From Prison: I Have
A Lot Of Energy To Struggle
By Ameer Makhoul writing from Gilboa prison

The following is an excerpt from a letter by Palestinian political prisoner and civil society leader Ameer Makhoul, written in response to a postcard featuring an image of a lighthouse sent by The Electronic Intifada contributor Adri Nieuwhof

The Truth About Trees
By Julia Mitchell

Trees are NOT just here to convert carbon dioxide to oxygen for us to breathe. Their purpose reaches much farther and cannot be ignored. Trees fight drought, prevent soil erosion, stabilize earth, shade us from sun, are key in the conservation of water, provide us with heat, control the effects of wind, provide shelter for animals and encourage biodiversity and nutrients for soil. So, the next time you see a beautiful tree, don't just thank it for being beautiful; thank it for being on of the most valuable things on this planet

10 Skills Needed To Thrive
In A Post-Collapse World
By Jeffrey Green

Remember, knowledge of and skills to produce human necessities will be the only form of wealth creation in a hand-made world. Knowledge is something that no one can take from you. It's the eternal wealth that will help you thrive in a Post-Collapse world. Get Prepared Now!

Religion As A Tool Of Repression
By Charles Sullivan

Certainly Christ would be appalled by the selfish political conservatism of today that claims him for its own. He would be as much a leftist revolutionary today as he was some two thousand years ago. And no doubt, cheered by a mob of reputable corporatists, the money changers would crucify him again

Chanukah And Christmas: When Hope
Triumphs Over Cynical Realism
By Rabbi Michael Lerner

Jews and Christians have much in common in celebrating at this time of year. We certainly want to use this holiday season to once again affirm our commitment to end the war in Iraq, to end global poverty and hunger by embracing the Network of Spiritual Progressives' version of the Global Marshall Plan, to reduce carbon emissions and population growth and to save the world from ecological destruction. We live in dark times--but these holidays help us reaffirm our hope for a fundamentally different reality that we can help bring about in the coming years

Coercive Population Control
By Jason G. Brent

Since no rational human being can dispute the fact that the Earth is finite, no rational human being can dispute the fact that both population growth and economic growth must cease sometime in the future

Judge Bars Certification Of Oklahoma
Anti-Islam Constitutional Amendment
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

In a strongly-worded ruling a federal judge in Oklahoma on November 29, 2010 granted an injunction that bars certification of an anti-Islam state ballot measure (SQ 755) passed in the November 2 election

Incarceration's Effect On Economic Mobility
By Stephen Lendman

Pew studied the relationship between incarceration and mobility, asking to what extent does it create lasting impediments to economic progress. Overall, how does America's burgeoning prison population affect the American dream? Negatively, in fact, for the vast majority because authorities make it so

The New York Times Endorses
Haiti's Coup d' Etat "Elections"
By Stephen Lendman

No matter for The New York Times, a notorious voice for wealth and power. On November 30, its editorial titled "Haiti After the Vote" endorsed the sham election

Guerilla Mistress To Obama Confidant;
The Life And Crimes Of Gayle Smith
By Thomas C Mountain

Once the mistress of a marxist guerilla fighter in the Horn of Africa, today Gayle Smith is a senior advisor to Barack Obama in the White House, USA

NDTV Exposes NDTV?
By Farzana Versey

Barkha Dutt came on her own show to answer questions by an independent panel on a channel in which she is the group editor. The host, Sonia Singh, started by saying that they had earlier wanted someone else to ask Barkha because they believed in a level-playing field. They should have continued with that belief. This show was a farce not because of the emotions, which are natural, but because of several other reasons

Counterpoint: We, The People
By Amit Sengupta

So how come editors have become brokers and messengers of corporate and political scamsters? And what is so surprising about it anyway?

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