Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue Nov 30- The Future Of Humankind: A Few Simple Rules

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 11:20 PM
Subject: CC Issue Nov 30- The Future Of Humankind: A Few Simple Rules

Dear Friend,

If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here

In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Wikileaks And The New Global Order
By Jonathan Cook

The new disclosures, however, do provide a useful insight, captured in the very ordinariness of the diplomatic correspondence, into Washington's own sense of the limits on its global role -- an insight that was far less apparent in the previous Wikileaks revelations on the US army's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Underlying the gossip and analysis sent back to Washington is an awareness from many US officials stationed abroad of quite how ineffective -- and often counter-productive -- much US foreign policy is

The New York Times Again Censoring WikiLeaks
By Stephen Lendman

The "newspaper of record," of course, is a longstanding imperial tool, the closest equivalent in America to an official ministry of information and propaganda, what Times editors and bosses know but won't say

Obama Administration Targets Iran For Aggression
By Patrick Martin

The Obama administration has devoted enormous attention and effort to a worldwide campaign to destabilize Iran and open the way to direct military aggression, the latest mass of documents released by WikiLeaks confirms

Crop Failures And Drought Within Our
Children's Lifetimes
By Steve Connor

Children today are likely to reach old age in a world that is 4C warmer, where the 10,000-year certainties of the global climate can no longer be relied on, and widespread crop failures, drought, flooding and mass migration of the dispossessed become a part of everyday life

The Missing Persons Of Iraq
By Dirk Adriaensens

Always someone's mother or father, always someone's child. Iraq has the most disappeared persons in the world

Hugo Chavez' Address
By Fidel Castro

In Bolivia and Venezuela, the imperialist mafia has received a response more clear and forceful than they could have ever imagined

Obama Imposes Pay Freeze On 2.1 Million
Federal Workers
By Tom Eley

President Obama on Monday announced the imposition of a two-year pay freeze on all federal government employees outside of the military. Pending congressional approval, the order will take effect immediately, affecting 2.1 million workers and eliminating a scheduled 1.4 percent pay increase for 2011

But What Is "Community"?
By Yevgeny

It seems to me that Russia and other former Eastern Block countries have already gone through hell and are now on the way to recovery, while the USA and other formerly rich countries are yet to go through this hell, and nobody knows what it will look like. The take-home point is simple: to survive in a third world country, you have to know who your people are, and who are the strangers. The more of your people there are, the better, but it is absolutely unacceptable if everyone beyond the confines of your family nest is a stranger. Then there is simply no chance that you will survive

The Evolution Of Transition In The U.S
By Michael Brownlee

The emergence of the Transition movement in the last four years or so is one of the most hopeful signs in the early 21st century, and Transition may yet turn out to be one of the fastest-growing, most inspiring, and most significant social change movements we have ever seen

A Circle Of Gifts
By Charles Eisenstein

Wherever I go and ask people what is missing from their lives, the most common answer (if they are not impoverished or seriously ill) is "community." What happened to community, and why don't we have it any more? There are many reasons – the layout of suburbia, the disappearance of public space, the automobile and the television, the high mobility of people and jobs – and, if you trace the "why's" a few levels down, they all implicate the money system

How Sustainable Is Renewable Energy?
By Roger Adair

Systems like solar water heating and PV, with no or few moving parts, should be more long lived until they too become unrepairable. However large and complex systems, particularly in remote and environmentally challenging environments such as wind farms, especially off shore, will probably be early renewable energy casualties of the decline in oil supply

Education And The New Story
By Arnold Greenberg

There is a new story emerging that is replacing the old story of human existence. The new story is urging us to learn who we are as humans and how to live so we do not destroy the planet. What is the old story and why is the new story so essential to our existence?

The Transition Town Movement's Initial Genius
By Craig Comstock

Can we get beyond denial about peak oil, climate change, and economic troubles as long as we don't find forms of action open to us?

The Future Of Humankind: A Few Simple Rules
By Jason G. Brent

Since the earth is finite in size both economic and population growth must cease. No power on earth or in the heavens will permit infinite growth on the finite earth. Nothing humanity can do or say will permit infinite growth on the finite earth. New technology, recycling, environmentalism, and even a possible second or third green revolution will not permit either the economy or the human population to continue to grow

Efficiency And Jobs
By Jason G. Brent

Almost everyone concerned with the future of humanity and concerned about the usage of the resources the earth can provide to humanity in the future assumes that environmentalism and technology will reduce the resources used by humanity in the future. They are just plain wrong. Environmentalism and technology will not cause a reduction in resource usage. In fact, it is highly likely that every technological advance will cause an increase in the usage of resources

What We Lose, If We Lose The Tigers
By Jim Taylor

If we fail to protect the few remaining tigers, the loss of yet another species will not have much practical impact on our lives. But it may be a symptom of a far greater loss – the inability of modern humans to feel a sense of awe

Massive Fraud In Haiti's Sham Elections
By Stephen Lendman

On November 28, Haiti held first round legislative and presidential elections. The entire process was rigged, 15 parties excluded, including by far the most popular, Aristide's Fanmi Lavalas

More Than A Bribe: Obama Surrenders
Palestinian Rights
By Ramzy Baroud

The Middle East policies of US President Barack Obama may well prove the most detrimental in history so far, surpassing even the rightwing policies of President George W. Bush. Even those who warned against the overt optimism which accompanied Obama's arrival to the White House must now be stunned to see how low the US president will go to appease Israel – all under the dangerous logic of needing to keep the peace process moving forward

Obama's Bush Doctrine In Korea
By Shamus Cooke

A key reason that Obama was elected President was his promise to abandon the Bush doctrine of unilateral foreign policy, meaning that Obama would work with other countries toward a more cooperative, peaceful world. The threat of war in Korea exposes Obama -- yet again -- as a dangerous copycat of Bush's approach to global politics

Today Ireland......
By Jeff Berg

The austerity agenda is being set loose on the Eurozone. First Greece, now Ireland. Next up Portugal. This is crisis capitalism writ large. I.e. The use of crisis to push through social changes long sought by a tiny, well funded, well organized, and highly influential segment of the investment class. The fact that the very same sector - the FIRE sector - that created the crisis will benefit most from the restructuring being enacted being not so much beside the point as the point itself

Why Poverty Spreads Across America
By Sherwood Ross

Pockets of poverty, like the sores of some malignant disease, are spreading across America, as its states and cities go broke and bankrupt

U.S. Gets Human Rights Advice From The World
By Mary Shaw

Most obvious were recommendations that the U.S. ratify several international human rights conventions and treaties that we have not yet formally endorsed. To no surprise, our use of torture and racial profiling, and the obvious culture of xenophobia apparent in our national discourse, also figured prominently in the feedback

Thanksgiving – The Real Truth Behind The Holiday
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui

Is president Obama's more religious statement this year a sign of current rough times for the White House

When Two Muslims Meet: The Media(ted) Case Of
Madani And Shahina
By K Ashraf & Jenny Rowena

Shahina tried to look into the police story that Madani had conspired in the Bengaluru blasts in separate meetings two years ago — one which took place in Madani's rented home in Kochi and the other in the Lakkeri estate in Kodaku Karnataka. Now this is a case of good investigative journalism, which has the power to unsettle the stories that are constantly being planted in the media by the police. However, just a few days after her report comes out, the Karnataka police slaps a case against Shahina under IPC 506, for "intimidating the witnesses."

Frame Up After Frame Up:
In Defence of K.K. Shahina
By Jamia Teachers' Solidarity Association

K.K. Shahina was merely fulfilling her journalistic duty of investigating the police claims of Madani's complicity in the Bengaluru blasts, given especially the inglorious history of frame-ups. JTSA stands in solidarity with K.K. Shahina and demands that cases against her be dropped immediately

The Priorities Of Politicians
By Vidyadhar Date

For common people,apart from the problem of commuting for hours and miles in overcrowded, humiliating conditions, the real problem in Mumbai and many other places is walkability. People just need a proper access to walk to their neighbourhoods. It is as simple as that. But even this basic amenity is denied to people

A Wall In My Brain And A Wall
On Your Head, Mr Chidambaram
By Nawaz Gul Qanungo

Last Friday, police in Srinagar seized a truckload of bricks near Eidgah presuming they were brought for the construction of the memorial at Eidgah. It turned out it was meant for construction of a house nearby. Last Friday, millions stared in depression at yet another curfew in the ugly jail of a beautiful vale. Last Friday, millions built a wall brick by brick, inside their brains. The one that's on your head, Mr Chidambaram

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Palash Biswas
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