Friday, August 28, 2015

CC News Letter 27 August - NASA: World 'Locked Into' At Least 3 Feet Of Sea Level Rise

CC News Letter 27 August - NASA: World 'Locked Into' At Least 3 Feet Of Sea Level Rise
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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

NASA: World 'Locked Into' At Least 3 Feet Of  Sea Level Rise
By Andrea Germanos

New research underway indicates that at least three feet of global sea level rise is near certain, NASA scientists warned Wednesday. That's the higher range of the 1 to 3 feet level of rise the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) gave in its 2013 assessment. Sea levels have already risen 3 inches on average since 1992, with some areas experiencing as much as a 9-inch rise

Deflationary Collapse Ahead?
By Gail Tverberg

Both the stock market and oil prices have been plunging. Is this "just another cycle," or is it something much worse? I think it is something much worse

Gujarat In A Melting Pot: "Towards 'Inhalation' or 'Annihilation' of Caste?
By K.M Seethi

Is it a mere 'coincidence' that the release of the 'Caste Census 2015' and the outbreak of caste violence in Gujarat, on the question of reservation, came almost simultaneously? It raises more questions about the logic/illogic of the Patel community's demand for OBC status. Apparently the demand is for jettisoning the existing 'quota' system against the background of the shrinking 'public' space of opportunities in education and employment

'Islamic State' Pretence And The Upcoming Wars In Libya
By Ramzy Baroud

Another war is in the making in Libya: the questions are 'how' and 'when'? While the prospect of another military showdown is unlikely to deliver Libya from its current security upheaval and political conflict, it is likely to change the very nature of conflict in that rich, but divided, Arab country

Seven Ways Racism Is Built In
By David Swanson

The U.S. media subtly promotes racism through what it includes, what it excludes, and whom it chooses to treat as a human and whom as a monster. Of course, no one has to believe what their television says, but everyone must engage in constant re-education to correct for it

`No More Kandhamals!' Kerala Expresses Solidarity!
By Binu Mathew & K.P. Sasi

The overall events in Thrissur, Kottayam, Thiruvananthapuram and discussions in Calicut left deep impression on the participants on the issues faced by the Dalits and Adivasis in Kandhamal. It was felt that wider and stronger pressures must be organised all over the country to pressurise the Government for providing justice, peace and harmony in Kandhamal. More participation from the left and secular forces as well as religious leaders on this issue is needed. The criminals must be put behind bars and innocents must be released and guilty officials should be prosecuted. Proper compensation to suffering people must be provided. The villagers of Kandhamal who are still afraid to come back to their villages due to the threats of Sangh Parivar must be protected. The rule of communal fascism must end

Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj: To Each Ones' Own!
By Ram Puniyani

History has its own truth and emotions operate on different wavelength! What is true is that Shivaji was a King who reduced the burden of taxation on the poor peasants. That's what made him popular amongst the masses. Also the legend of Shivaji asking his army to return the Muslim daughter in law of Kalyan's Nawab is a matter of deep respect for him amongst the people of Maharashtra. The memories of his policies towards the rayyat (cultivating farmers) make him very revered figure in Maharashtra

Living In A New Age: Reflections On The Muslim Predicament
By Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

The problems faced by the Muslim community in the present age have, directly or indirectly, only one cause—that is, unawareness of the advantages of the present age
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