Friday, August 28, 2015

Volunteer at PMNH and more

The "leadership" of the Palestinian authority continues down the same
failed path of cronyism, poor action towards liberation,
self-aggrandizement, self- enrichment and ignorance of the peoples' future
or wishes. Hence this keeps people energies locked up and millions of
Palestinians who could be recruited to give and serve Palestine get a good
excuse not to act. But most people continue to survive and even do amazing
good deeds despite their "leaders" and their circumstances. Classes resumed
at the universities and schools in the occupied territories. It is nice now
to hear the national anthem in schools as I drink my morning coffee. People
try to adapt and make the best out of a horrible complicated situation
under Israeli colonialism and apartheid. Homes are still being demolished,
movement restricted, religious and civil liberties regularly violated,
political prisoners held without trial and in bad conditions, etc. But we
continue to exist, continue to resist. Last Sunday for example we removed
gates installed by the occupation authority to prevent access to land in
Beit Jala. Our students continue to try to learn and improve themselves
under very difficult circumstances (no jobs after graduation, no income of
family to help them pay tuition etc).. We continue to do research and
clinical services in our laboratories and the natural history museum and
botanical garden at Bethlehem University. I sent two of our bright students
to Jordan where they learned more about insects and research. We have plans
for a major conference on innovation and excellence (I am a member of the
higher council for innovation and excellence, see I am
planning a trip to Rhodes (Greece), to Indonesia, and to Washington DC in
October to speak about the Palestinian cause and about our university and
build partnerships.

Join us for two events to protest Zionist theft and destruction of
Palestinian lands:
Saturday 10 AM in front of Beit Al-Baraka along the road to Hebron (near
Arroub Refugee camp)
Sunday 11 AM Area of Bir Oneh in Beit Jala where ancient trees have been
and here are pother ways to act where you are

Volunteer: We have many volunteer opportunities at the botanical garden and
the Palestine Museum of Natural History that will enhance your skills and
allow you to be part of a team that is dynamic and energetic and making a
difference locally and globally. Our motto is respect (for one self, for
fellow human beings, and for the environment). Opportunities to volunteer
exist in these areas: Data collection (plants, animals, geology, human
history etc), clerical, botanical garden, education (school children from
kindergarten to adult), information technology, media, fundraising, bee
keeping, exhibit design, and more. Email us at

Haidar Eid: The songs are dedicated to the courage and resistance of the
Palestinian people on the journey to justice and freedom. All proceeds from
sales of the song will be donated towards the Palestinian boycott,
divestment and sanctions movement.

Newly released documents show US attempts to halt Israeli nuclear weapons
Gov't papers dating from 1969-72 reveal American discussions about how to
convince Israel to abandon pursuit of atomic weapons and to sign the
non-proliferation treaty,7340,L-4692208,00.html
[note: The major US Jewish organizations still lobby for a war on Iran for
Apartheid Israel while claiming to represent Jews and Judaism]

Tear Drop "A Gift From the People of Russia to the USA". Why were we not
told about Tear Drop?

White House Middle East policy adviser, Gwenyth Todd on how Washington
operates under Israeli occupation

Mazin Qumsiyeh
Professor and Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
Pl see my blogs;

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